I channel it, filter it, funnel it.
I hope Channel 4 doesn't bleep it out.
Gradually, this noise began to appear during a show, and to get rid of it, I had to change to another channel and then change it back.
The ion channel was the missing circuit element I was looking for, and it already existed in nature.
I think the channel semantics (lose ownership of a message when it is sent) is a sweet spot in the trade-off among efficiency, verification, and expressiveness.
While I was initially taken aback by negativity of the people, I eventually learned to manage it and channel it into conscious action.
For example, if I wanted to use the tag in a channel, it would be unclear what it meant.
But my wife curses me because every time I walk past the radio or TV it changes channel.
I chose this way because my blog is my baby, it's where I can channel all my best ideas and feelings creatively and share it with the world.
I was about to do it myself when I hesitated: it seemed cruel cutting off my own child - even if it was just from a social-media channel.
It's full of knowledge and is a very good educational channel. I like to watch it with my family.
M:I wanted to, but Marie was watching a movie on Channel 5, so I watched it with her.You know Marie, she can’t stand football。 Q:Why didn’t the man watch the game?
In fact, I want you to learn to channel it in such a way that it brings you up rather than down.
On cable TV they have a weather channel-24 hours of weather. We had something like that where I grew up. We called it a window.
Kate: No, I think it is very boring. Can you change it to Channel Twelve, please?
I saw this great movie yesterday. I had no idea what it was, I just found it while I was channel-surfing.
I am watching the news and almost, after once a while, every channel would say: "It seems just like what the movies had foretold...". Damn! Are you entertainment channels?
I also investigate the universality of quantum channel in remote state preparation and it estimates the minimum number of necessary channels for all qubits.
I also investigate the universality of quantum channel in remote state preparation and it estimates the minimum number of necessary channels for all qubits.