My name is xx I'm xx years old I am chinese I come from china I…
我是中国国籍我来自中国 我没有工作 我在巴黎生活问题补充:下面这个日期写…
I come from China. Maybe you hear this city, named Xi 'an, which is a historical city.
Dear friend, I come from China, graduated from zhongshan university Chinese literature, all The Times has research ancient Chinese.
I would have to say, that where I live, most of these goods come from China, India, or some other country than my own.
I have invited the children from the disaster-hit regions in Japan to spend their vacation in China. I know that you love China and I hope you can come to China.
She said, "Many people from my hometown have never been in China. I really hope they will come and see it during the Expo."
Since I come from the south of China, I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they sound exactly the same in my dialect.
Good afternoon. It is the British Airways desk, isn't it?I've come from China. I am to transfer to Flight AF 826 to Copenhagen.
I have come away from China a convinced Sinophile, and determined to return and drive around for a family holiday.
No, I have just come back from the US where the standard is 110 watts while China is 220 watts.
Good morning Mr. Liu. I am Tom from China Daily. We had an appointment. Here I come.
The first thing I need to say is that the people in Sheffield are united in their welcome for young people who come to our university from China, and this will not change.
Since I come from the south of China, I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they sound exactly the same in my dialect.
Thomas, I come from an English teaching family and I have been tutoring for years while attending university and for the past year here in China.
I found the students live here were Asian and most of the Asian students were come from China.
I have just come from the closing ceremonies of the games, and China is to be noted for the magnificent preparations it has made to ensure that the Olympic games are truly memorable.
I'm Lesley and I come from the north China, Heilongjiang Province. I majored in Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics and graduated from Dalian University of Foreign Languages.
China military urges restraint from U. S. -south Korea navy drills... I think us south Korea should just do opposite of that continue the navy drills and invite Japan and British to come.
Having recently come back from China, I have become an avid follower of your culture and society.
Having recently come back from China, I have become an avid follower of your culture and society.