The reason why I gave up is that I could not see the place which I was going to reach completely.
I could not see the external endpoints they've exposed.
I moved round to the other Windows, but I could not see her in any of the rooms.
Had she noticed already that I could not see? But her next question removed my doubts.
But how could I live without her? My eyes were now very bad, and I could not see to read.
In fact when I was critical of that video - it was because I could not see any after burner.
I also had a hard time believing in the existence of anything I could not see, hear, or touch.
I could not see a thing, but felt an invisible force drawing me closer to home, closer to myself.
In the next few weeks I became quite desperate because I could not see or speak to my sweet Dora.
I originally looked for a task list object, but I could not see how to append an entry to the list.
I tried to open my eyes, or I felt that my eyes were open, but I could not see anything but darkness.
She said: "I woke up one morning after a big session and realized I could not see out of my left eye.
And I could not see anyone past Katie [Hoff]. I did not what was going over on that side of the pool.
I could not see one of his eyes very well, because a lot of skin came down in front of his face, too.
On these occasions Mother would steal out quietly, watching me from a place where I could not see her.
I was angry that I could not see my way clear, I was angry that no one gave advice that sounded ambitious enough.
I was very curious about that, because I could not see why Iraq should at this stage, in 2002, want to import yellowcake.
I could not see hope in this family, but only felt bitter cold every winter. Where we lived was close to the Soviet Union.
And when I could not see for the glory of that light, being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus.
He wore a long black coat, too. The coat began at his neck, and ended at his feet, so I could not see his arms, his body, or his legs.
As I spoke, the boy 22 jerked 23 convulsively away from me, probably so I could not see his face, but I had seen it begin to twist as he turned.
I could not see the boy, and there was nothing else in that lonely place Beneath me on the other side of the hill was a circle of old stone huts.
That feeling was very uncomfortable for me, so I turned around and turned my flashlight on, but I could not see anything that was out of the ordinary.
I am awfully sorry to tell you that I am afraid I could not see you off at the airport tomorrow, because I will have to affend a very important meeting.
I am awfully sorry to tell you that I am afraid I could not see you off at the airport tomorrow, because I will have to affend a very important meeting.