And every times are drunk drink, I do not know why he want to do this?
This was an innate eccentricity and love of embroidery, i do not know why .
I looked at the sky, I do not know why, I hope flying winds, flying forever.
All of a sudden change, I do not know why. Not imagine before, asked him why!
My heart really hurts, I really miss books, but I do not know why I did this?
I do not know why, there are many questions that I think when it is non - sunny.
I do not know why tell these things with you, but I can see her shadow from you!
I do not know why, as long as you are in me, my heart is no longer on tenterhooks.
He did not even take part in last year's national championships. I do not know why.
A Cole Porter song, In the Still of the Night, goes through my head. I do not know why.
This is very good. Thanks. But I do not know why they like to establish their company in China.
I do not know why in my friends around like a joke to say he is a farmer, but it did affect me.
If it is punishment, then what I have done something wrong? I do not know why and you ask me today?
I do not know why this was mentioned, and who "the West and its Allies" were referring to in the report.
I admit I do not know why average degree of happiness has not risen in recent decades in the US as incomes rose.
I was walking by the road, I do not know why, when the noonday was past and bamboo branches rustled in the wind.
In the last part of the bluest of blue skies, but the sky there are a number of yellow clouds, I do not know why?
To this day I do not know why these "spirits" are here doing this to me and I have a feeling that I will never know.
I do not know why so much can be charged with each other, we, in the face of this subject is always so strong rebut the other.
I do not know why so much can be charged with each other, we, in the face of this subject is always so strong rebut the other.