I drink tea seems to have a long history, and now in retrospect largely by the father.
Earlier this year, an old friend and I drink tea, we recognize 18 years, She ramble: "you have 40, you is not 25 years old!"
Steven: I drink milk every day. it's really good for building strong bones and teeth. I drink tea quite often, for it's protective against kidney cancer.
I also drink plantain tea for my hayfever, and that's everywhere, even the cracks in the path.
I recommend not so many troops knocking down doors every night, but instead to sit down and drink tea, discuss what the people need, and bring them closer to the coalition.
There is a real encounter between me and the tea, and peace, happiness and joy are possible during the time I drink.
I do drink coffee and tea, but neither compares to plain water. I drink from the tap, throughout the day.
"I drink nettle and cleaver tea, sometimes with some fresh lemon verbena when I find it," he says.
I, on the other hand, was tired and needed to drink coffee, tea, or water to stay awake.
Just because I play a few instruments andlike to listen to classical music, does that make me a haughty snob who eatscrustless sandwiches and drink tea with my pinky up?
That's why green tea is my go-to antioxidant: I drink at least three cups a day to fight aging and inflammation.
"Sometimes I can't get to sleep after I've had coffee," said Wang Zhongxue, the farmer. "So I still drink tea."
I had a green thumb, dogs, disdain and fortune teller talked for several hours, so as to miss the drink afternoon tea and soul appointment time.
A: Then, do you have "tea time" every day? I mean, do you drink tea at a settled time?
I am a merchant, like my heart is also Qiexi, next drink a cup of tea is not difficult.
No, that's ok. It's messy to drink tea over pictures. So what photo is that? Oh, yeah, I remember this.
Like tea, in the cold weather, when I would drink the cup, and then tell ourselves, winter comes, can spring be far behind?
At that point, I drink some more tea and ask the question that Omar is expecting.
Sounds good to me! I could use a nice drink. A cup of tea would hit the spot.
I not too like the teahouse drinking tea, drink tea drink am not the environment, is the mood.
I sat alone on the balcony, looking at little green, and drink a cup of hot tea.
This is a good tea to have around during cold season. I try to drink a cup daily or more if I feel a cold coming on.
Rafa: No, I don't drink Chinese tea, so I try to be calm because it's part of my job, to concentrate on the games, analyse things, and try to change things if it is necessary.
Oh, I can't drink that! You didn't let the tea brew for long enough. And you forgot to add sugar.
I personally brew and drink the tea on a daily basis, and I feel better with it than without it.
I eagerly to see grandpa, I thought he would take out money to excitedly, however, he was sitting in a chair, the tea look serene, drink also said: "good tea, the tea is ready."
If you have a chance to visit my hometown, I am glad to be your guide, ask you to drink the best tea.
If you have a chance to visit my hometown, I am glad to be your guide, ask you to drink the best tea.