I know you are one of the few women taxi drivers in the city now, and you drive for a living.
I know I drive you nuts asking questions?
From Sorrento to Port Clyde I drive "up" (south).
Why would I drive five boys to their deaths in a truck with my name on the side?
I drive to my office. It takes me forty minutes, so I usually get there earlier.
19now if I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your followers drive them out?
I drive around the Bay Area marveling at the America that we often take for granted.
"But every time I drive by here you have the 'no vacancy' sign on." said the salesman.
So I say maybe I will and I drive away with my hands perspiring on the steering wheel.
“Enjoy every minute of every day,” he says as I drive away. “Don't think about tomorrow.
But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
“Enjoy every minute of every day, ” he says as I drive away. “Don’t think about tomorrow.”
Boy: Can you take off my helmet and put it on? It's uncomfortable and it's bothering me while I drive.
Boy: "Can you take off my helmet and put it on? It's uncomfortable and it's bothering me while I drive."
I drive a 7 mile rural road to and from work every day that has no curves and 2 medium to small size hills.
I love to see these majestic birds soaring over the cut on the M40 as I drive to London. They lift my spirits.
The following evening, I drive down to Bridgend so I can talk to the other girl from Pontycymmer—let’s call her Terri.
Last attempt, I'm going to, after I drive you crazy and make you think you're Linda, I'm going to do the corresponding thing for Linda.
I like automobiles because they are like good friends because they are ready to leave with me whenever I want to. At the moment, I drive an SUV.
As I drive home — windows down, the Mini’s sunroof open, listening to 80s synthpop — I thought about what it was like when Kris and I were starting out.
开车回家的路上,我摇下车窗,打开迷你小天窗,听起了八十年代的合成音乐。 我想起那时克丽丝和我刚起步时的情景。
On the personal side I'm a vegetarian, I drive a 85 'Volvo and when not in the office I like to be in the mountains hiking, back-country skiing or mountain biking.
"I drive out to the cemetery to try and find where Einstein is going to be buried," Morse remembers. "But there must have been two dozen graves being dug that day!"
I drive by that house almost daily and have been tempted to load a shovel in my car trunk, stop at her curb and rescue a few lilies from the smothering thicket of weeds.
Still, I drive my traveling companions crazy by insisting on ducking into every church that I pass in Europe. And the same goes for every Buddhist temple I could find in Thailand.
尽管如此,在我的欧洲之旅中,我每逢教堂必入的习惯仍然使我的同伴觉得很疯狂 在泰国,但凡看到佛寺我都会进去感受一下。
And I’m absolutely amazed as I drive around the city, and I’ll be moving out into the province later, after this speech -- I’m amazed at how quickly you have rebuilt and you have recovered.
Paul can't drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm.
Paul can't drive so he was a fat lot of use when I broke my arm.