I feel really bad about all the mess.
If I said, 'I kind of feel sick', the girl doing my make-up would say, 'I feel sick, too · · · · I think the lunch was bad'.
"Not I," said the mother, "I feel uneasy, just as if a bad storm were coming."
I did feel bad about leaving the campaign, and I offered to go to Connecticut for a couple of weeks to set up an organization there.
She really made me feel like I was the bad guy bullying her, so I gave the shop an excellent comment for the grandma's purse.
You just feel lethargic and really bad, so for me getting back into getting up at the same time every day, and the routine-ness of it, I really enjoy, and I feel better and then, I'm like in control.
I feel if I stopped cleaning the toilet one day it would be a bad sign, and I'd let myself go more and more till I was desperate.
Afterwards, I would feel bad for having wasted so much time doing unproductive things, that I'd work extra hard, and usually late into the night.
This is the feeling that comes with being very bad at something, and I used to feel it all the time in sport, in drama, in art, in Latin and in spelling.
But that's why I feel that, you know, it's disappointing. I made the semis here last year and I've gone out in the first round with a bad back.
"The beauty of balance is that I can do it all and not feel bad about my choices, because every moment is an opportunity to start all over again" -jorge perez.
I was starting to feel bad that I wasn't more cautious about what we ate so I sought out the opinions of some food people I respect to see how they were feeling.
I feel very well. A week ago today and now I take the good things in bad situations. That's all I can do now.
And I do feel bad about your mother having to take care of the baby all weekend.
And I do feel bad about all the 5 a. m. in-your-face wake-up calls on my birthdays, Christmas morning, and all those times I was too excited to sleep.
Although Lei Feng twenty-two years old died, people feel very bad, but I think in the heart: his spirit is still find in helping others?
I feel it a great honor to have a chance to give a speech here, talking about the haze weather, which causes lots of bad effects on our health and life.
If you often don't sleep well at night, and the next day I feel the need for a nap can energetic, may you have formed the bad sleep habits.
Everyone (well, the media at least) seems to be acting as if Moody's downgrading the United States would be a bad thing. I feel like I must be missing something.
But don't know how to describe the variation, a lot of things that I feel now seems very calm, do not know is good or bad.
The police put a lot of manpower to protect my safety and I feel very bad causing them trouble.
I feel sad when I get bad marks in the exams and I am happy when I help others.
Jack: Not bad. Thank you for your help. I'm always busy with the job. I feel a bit tired.
I feel cold and shivering and have a sore throat. I have a very bad cough in the evening.
No, this is the second time. But I also feel bad because of the lower pressure and the jet lag.
Although I feel bad for the people who suffered from the earthquake, it is their culture that is the problem.
Although I feel bad for the people who suffered from the earthquake, it is their culture that is the problem.