What I feel for you is that awesome love that poets write about and that we mere mortals only dream of experiencing.
All the love that history knows, is said tobe in every rose. Yet all that could be found in two, is less than what I feel for you.
Have a good day sweetheart, you are the only one for me, I'll never consider going back to her, and everyone knows what I feel for you.
—You are not properly dressed for the weather. —But I feel comfortable.
——你的穿着不适合这个天气。 ——但我觉得很舒服。
If you feel angry, I think it's a good idea to stop for a moment and understand why.
I do feel bad for those of you who have enjoyed this blog and Isincerely apologize, but I need to do this for me and my dreams.
I looked at several DHTML window libraries, both for this article and for my own work, and I can tell you with some confidence that this one has the best feel to me.
“You may have simply thought, ‘I feel sorry for them, ’ or ‘that sounds really tough, ’ but that is better than not thinking at all, ” the teacher said.
I feel bad for you because you have made all FT readers instantly leap on to high horses.
I feel so much more a member of the planet community after doing this work for 10 years, because I feel like you can drop me most places and I'll be OK.
When you hear yourself say "I am all alone," it is your mind trying to sell you a lie so you will continue to feel sorry for yourself.
I only wish us never to be parted: and should a word of mine distress you hereafter, think I feel the same distress underground, and for my own sake, forgive me!
The secret to her good looks? "Hard work! Work hard for everything... that gives you energy. I don't feel tired because I'm curious about everything.
It is for these reasons that I have gone into so much detail in my own description, for you to get a feel of the ideas, and to do your own thing.
I think it's critical that you feel you're working for a person who is committed to advancing your career.
Now I would like to ask you to feel the energy here in this room for a moment, to feel the collective energy of all of us together.
Having brought you here to this out-of-the-way place, I feel myself responsible for your safe-conduct home, whatever you may yourself feel about it.
Every morning the old woman would go out to the little cage, and say: "Hansel, stick out your finger, that I may feel if you are fat enough for eating.
Every morning the old woman would go out to the little cage, and say: "Hansel, stick out your finger, that I may feel if you are fat enough for eating."
Can I answer any questions for you, to help you feel comfortable investing more time in our company?
Well I gave up nothing, I feel sorrow for them, I had more because you are my wife.
Do the small things: special occasions, flowers for no reason, and tiny little "I love you" reminders to make her feel special.
It's so difficult, so complicated, or so maybe embarrassing, I don't know, but philosophers have ignored it. But that for me that was the big challenge and I hope you feel that way too.
A: I understand that, but you'd feel better if you took a break, even for just a short while.
Finally, I will use this opportunity to raise some money for TWO separate charities. This way if you feel like giving you have a choice.
Finally, I will use this opportunity to raise some money for TWO separate charities. This way if you feel like giving you have a choice.