I think I need a big teddy bear, so I can hold it when I feel uncomfortable.
Picture this, if I sick, I will go to the hospital, and there are a lot of funny things I can't do because I feel uncomfortable.
Mow it is winter, I have to wear a lot of clothes, it makes me move slowly, I want to play with my friend, but with so many clothes, I feel uncomfortable.
I began to feel uncomfortable and asked my friend if we could leave.
I am sure you all go to social interactions and many of you feel uncomfortable talking to new people all the time.
I can feel it, too. Over the past few years I've had an uncomfortable sense that someone, or something, has been tinkering with my brain, remapping the neural circuitry, reprogramming the memory.
I started to feel more and more uncomfortable about the image that I was presenting, because I felt like it wasn't true.
When I see this I feel uncomfortable, awkward, and frankly not that impressed with the business I’m patronizing.
I'd much rather have things run smoothly and make sure that everyone gets along, works together, has fun and delivers great results, so when conflict happens I feel awkward and uncomfortable.
Messing With the Collar of Your Shirt – It screams: “I feel horribly uncomfortable and/or nervous!” Once again, keep track of your hands. Don't fidget.
After moving to my cousin brother's house, though he takes good care of me, I still feel kinda uncomfortable. After all, it is not my home.
'They didn't mean to insult me but I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, "said Ms." Wang, who has since become one of Beijing's leading Chinglish slayers.
I hope it doesn't sound ridiculously old-fashioned if I say that this makes me feel uncomfortable.
I feel a discomfort in my stomach after meals, not burning or really painful, but just really uncomfortable.
pardon me , she said, i am sorry if my staring at you make you feel uncomfortable. it is just that you look just like my son.who
I feel very uncomfortable when my partner has to make decisions which will affect me personally.
I always behave myself so well and I tell myself to stay away from trouble, so it is not acceptable for me to make others feel uncomfortable.
I'm not good at speaking in public. I feel uncomfortable when I speak in public.
Yes, but it can be very crowded around this time. I always feel uncomfortable taking the subway.
Messing With the Collar of Your Shirt – It screams: “I feel horribly uncomfortable and/or nervous!”
"I'd feel more exposed and uncomfortable than I would about being frisked, " she mused, before reconsidering: "But if it'll help make us safer ..."
But I feel depressed is zhoushan "Dan" unexpectedly, too, and "o little" suddenly the whole body uncomfortable, fever three days hang drop three genius recovery.
My room is facing the swimming pool. It's noisy for me. I have a problem sleeping. And I feel uncomfortable when I take the elevator.
Tien Hsin listening, I feel very uncomfortable, I do not want to live in their home.
Personally, as a pharmacist, I always feel uncomfortable recommending a chemical solution to every ill that comes along.
I live in the south city, so when the summer comes, the sun is very strong and the air is so stuffy, I feel so uncomfortable.
I wanted all to be really detailed. I want it to be true to reality. There is no deception, otherwise, I will feel very uncomfortable!
If I imagine that you have another girl or not I feel very unhappy and make me small and uncomfortable.
If I imagine that you have another girl or not, I feel very unhappy and make me small and uncomfortable.
Do you remember that day I suffered from gastroenteritis in my eight? Though I feel especially uncomfortable, I never forgot your look, which is paler than me for worrying me.