But does that mean I don't feel super young at heart — despite that my number in years continues to creep up?
I enjoy being with young friends as I get to feel their vigor of youth and passion for life.
I never told Greg about what happened, which occasionally makes me feel guilty, but I chalk my cheating up to being young and silly.
It is a great loss to science and to us all that he died so young and I especially feel his loss because of the great personal friendship I had for him.
As a 19 year old ''young woman'' I would never choose beer when i'm out socialising, it would make me feel very bloated which isn't the feeling you want when you want to have a good time.
I feel good. But when I do leave, I will leave in place a strong young team that will continue to succeed for my successor.
That’s certainly how my previous continental crossing ended 18 years ago; I was 39, a young man eager to feel a conqueror of the country and to accept the plaudits of friends and colleagues.
I know as a young husband I gave up what some may feel were the best years of their lives.
One 43-year-old chief financial officer of an investment bank told us in an interview, "I only buy lancome as it makes me feel young and beautiful."
As I encouraged group members to focus on what they could do, a sense of determination replaced the previous sadness, Instead of despair, these young people began to feel a call to action.
"Although I am in my 50s, I feel no difference in terms of health from when I was young," the tanned man said.
“I feel unbelievably fortunate to have fallen into this field when I was young, ” she says.
The group and I feel deep pain and regret when a young person dies like this, " he said.
Young Kaylie Russell: See the mirror hanging there? Face of silver, frame of black. Oculus of glass, I stare. I can feel you staring back.
And sometimes I have young people approaching me say, "Lan, you changed my life," and I feel proud of that. But then we are also so fortunate to witness the transformation of the whole country.
Frankly speaking, I've no preconcerted destination at all when I set off but I'd cherished a dream, which makes me feel vigorous and young again.
"I have a faster heart rate," whispered one young woman. "I feel panicky," said another. Sweating. Ragged breathing. Insomnia.
She knows it’s bad for her unborn baby, but five months pregnant Holly Piggott, 19, doesn’t want her friends to think she’s ‘boring’: ‘I’m young and I don’t feel ready to stop my life!’
I don't really feel like I am in a position to give advice at this point in my life, as I am still young and do not have a whole lot of experience compared to a lot of other entrepreneurs.
But I feel so young, I'm 35 and I haven't reached the peak of my performance yet and I can use all my experience for that.
I feel pleased to receive such a distinguished group of young people on behalf of the directorate.
Mark: Yes. I know. I should exercise more. I feel like I'm gaining weight. But you look really young and energetic What's your secret?
I feel so cool, I want to be a vampire, so I can live young forever, I can also have magic, I can fly and run fast.
I know I'm still young in terms of my age, but in my head I feel a bit older now.
When I was young and impressionable, I used to make the mistake of thinking that I had to feel "inspired" in order to write.
When I was young and impressionable, I used to make the mistake of thinking that I had to feel "inspired" in order to write.