That afternoon, even though I'd finished my assigned work, I was told to help other colleagues finish their work, too.
I will work here after I finish my school work in Nanjing.
At first, everything was perfect: I had so much work that I had to take on an assistant, my best friend at work, Don, just to be able to finish things on time.
Yesterday I stayed late in order to finish up some work I've been putting off, and nobody even noticed.
I won't know until after we finish our first planning session at Ruby DCamp, where all of the attendees decide what they want to discuss/learn/work on, and we have a schedule for that first day.
She thought I should finish the work I had started in Arkansas and keep building a national base of support.
I don't remember whether I was under actual pressure to finish the lecture I was working on, or only under self-inflicted pressure to work and succeed.
Even though I have never asked them to work over the weekend, they would come into the office to finish the tasks at hand voluntarily.
What that goal does is get me to focus on working more efficiently so I can finish my work in 80% of the time.
I've got to finish the work so I don't have him hounding me all the time.
What a shame! I have to finish my work instead of going out with you tonight.
I encourage their desire to finish some works, but I also affirm the need to do lots of practice that does not have to be finished work.
Maybe unpleasant family meetings in family time make me feel so bad that I can't finish my work.
I have done much of the work. Could you please finish the best in two days?
I don't want to be scolded if I can't finish my work by the deadline. A: I understand that, but you'd feel better if you took a break, even for just a short while.
To finish this episode I wanted to share a ted talk of Nigel Marsh: How to make work-life balance work.
Afraid that I couldn't finish up the work on time, they came to help me.
I'm afraid I can't come round to your place tonight, for I have to finish my work first.
I needed to finish doing some work before the game, so I arrived a bit after he did.
I have done much of the work. Could you please finish the rest in two days?
I have done much of the work. Could you please finish the rest in two days?