Even though I said that the redesign should "fix" the problems found in the first study, the truth is that you think that the new design overcomes the problems.
Fortunately, you can fix that by adding the following code, which - before you ask - I realize is on the simplistic side.
He continued, "as long as you have the will to fix what is wrong, I believe that life is valuable in itself, whatever ordeal it may have to go through."
For example, instead of "We should fix that bug", I say, "You should fix that bug", and good God is it satisfying.
I would be most grateful if you would send an engineer to fix the heating system in my room as soon as possible.
I’d fix it of course… I haven’t even seen the stupid box! How do you know I can’t fix it?
I hope you will accept my excuses for delay of bug fix because of new component works.
How to fix it. When I think about debugging, I think about it in terms of what you learned in high school as the scientific method.
Yes? Yeah, so I'm saying when you fix theta you get only a half plane, not a full plane I mean, it goes all the way up and down, but it doesn't go back to the other side of the z axis. Why?
But I still smile, silently hugged you, and you want to warm memories of that increasingly cold and wanted to fix it already Suidiao your heart.
I think you're computer should still be under warranty. You can bring it back to them and they'll fix it for free.
I want to fix you because of my injury, those wrinkles that wounds you, I know, there are too many pain in your back, from now on, you can not tell.
I just think you being all over tough about it. Dogs in the fix and dad just try to do the right thing.
Michael: do you need a hand to fix your car? I am good at fixing donks.
I'll have you all modelled in wax and clay; and the first who passes the limits I fix, shall — I'll not say what he shall be done to — but, you'll see!
Johnny thinks you can't fix it, that's why I thought you might want me to go out there.
Yes, you are right. I'd better fix my make-up. Can I borrow your cream and lipstick?
When you are perfect, you lose your humaneness... These days I look for my weak points and try to fix them.
Of course, it will, don't worry. I think you should be admitted to the hospital. You need an operation to fix it.
I, what I meant to say, and what I thought I said was, if you own one of these cars or if you're in doubt take it to the dealer, and they're going to fix it.
If you asked me, I would go back to any day in the past. Not to fix my regrets, but to relive all our unforgettable memories.
Do you think you can fix it yourself or do I need to call a plumber?
You know, I've always been a guy who could fix things but the one thing I could never fix was the one thing that was hurting you most.
Doctor: : Of course, it will, don't worry. I think you should be admitted to hospital. You need an operation to fix it.
Yeah, I can kind of see that. You just want a trim to fix it up?
Yeah, I can kind of see that. You just want a trim to fix it up?