I found out he was living in London — Lord Hicks; I guess he got knighted for his contribution.
But shortly after I arrived in that foreign country, I found out he was with another woman.
When I asked my boyfriend where he was going he stammered his answer. Later I found out he was lying.
Today, I found out he asked my admin for details of my attendance at the office, "just to check" on me.
Leo: he said he couldn't play basketball with me because he had to study. But I found out he went out with his girlfriend instead.
Anyways, I was so content, almost relieved, when I found out he actually gave it a shot, and decided to give it a few more on the learning sessions.
He found out I was innocent when I caught the Weasels and he let me go.
"I have found out," said he, "by a singular accident, that there is now in the room a near relation of my patroness."
Third, as I found out later, he had arthritis since he was a teenager, and after sitting at a desk all day he needed to rough-house with us to get the stiffness out of his joints.
Well as soon as Stuart found out he came from Luton to London late evening and cheered me up until I felt okay.
When he found out that I was not improving, he called me an ingrate and a mistake of my parents.
"I also found that she closed the wings at a lower rate when other butterfly species flew nearby," said Dr Ide. And he set about trying to find out why this might be.
How would I feel if I found out that he was created by Japanese CG engineers rather than a controlling, neurotic mother?
He was a constant source of inspiration: When I introduced him to my family and friends, he asked authentic, probing questions and found out more about them in minutes than I had in years.
I choose to believe his hopes outweighed his fears when he found out I was growing in my mother's belly, a cracked little seed.
He did not hit the right room directly, she motioned me to admit him, but he found it out ere I could reach the door, and in a stride or two was at her side, and had her grasped in his arms.
I guess even if you went out right now and found Dr. Kendrick hewouldn't be able to help you. And we would never have met, if he could.
I found out this evening from a mutual friend that he was in a fatal car accident on his lunch break two blocks away from the diner.
He found thehouse, a weather-beaten cardboard bungalow at eighty a month, but at the lastminute the firm ordered him to Washington, and I went out to the country alone.
"My grandmother used to say, 'when I dream of the motherland, I always dream of green,'" he said. "That's when I first found out she lived on a farm."
Right before I was going to break up with my ex, Sean, he found out that he had to put his beloved dog to sleep.
He said this right after I found out I had achieved my income goal to make it possible for me to quit my job, and pursue my dream of being a full-time blogger.
He said: "a couple of months ago when there was talk and reports of a?" 500bn bail-out for Banks I think most people, and comedians, found it hard to get their heads around that.
I don't think he had ever seen such a puzzled expression on my face (even when I found out that I was pregnant with twins!)
The charming little mistakes will be knocked out of him. He'll be cruelly mocked if he goes on calling the Daleks from Doctor Who "Garlics", but I haven't yet found the heart to correct him.
The charming little mistakes will be knocked out of him. He'll be cruelly mocked if he goes on calling the Daleks from Doctor Who "Garlics", but I haven't yet found the heart to correct him.