Today, I found out that Seattle doesn't really get that much rain compared with most US cities.
I found out that she was someplace that she said she wasn't.
Later, I found out that less than 15% of the applicant had been offered positions that year.
Today, I found out that Seattle doesn't really get that much rain compared with most US cities in average annual rainfall.
On the way home from Vietnam, I found out that Chuck Ruff, my White House counsel during the impeachment proceeding, had died suddenly.
I traced the problem, and I found out that the motherboard was faulty.
Today, I found out that my friend USES pictures of me to motivate her to work out.
Today I found out that a female ferret (A. K. A. Jill) will die if she doesn't mate.
Very soon, I found out that me and my family are leaving Bangladesh and coming to Canada.
Browsing through comments online, I found out that I was not the only one to feel this way.
Today, I found out that bees like to make hives in odd places, like in your vintage car's trunk.
However, after I purchased them, I found out that configuration wasn't quite as easy as it sounded.
Today, I found out that my husband's job had a Thanksgiving gathering for employees and their family.
Today, I found out that the plant in my kitchen that I have been watering for almost 2 years is fake. FML.
But when I looked into it, I found out that was not the case, and so I went back to start taking pictures.
Today, I found out that brushing your teeth with the opposite hand stimulates brain activity in the morning.
I found out that you could, for example, discover things about a person by the way they talk and move their hands.
A few weeks ago, I found out that a client I did only one session with went from zero to 5 paying clients per week.
How would I feel if I found out that he was created by Japanese CG engineers rather than a controlling, neurotic mother?
Those early lessons seem quaint, because five months into our union, Jenny and I found out that a baby is coming in November.
I don't think he had ever seen such a puzzled expression on my face (even when I found out that I was pregnant with twins!)
When I was dealing with my illness, I found out that just sleeping doesn't mean you're actually getting good, restful sleep.
Today, I found out that some men think it's ok to clip their fingernails, at the table, in a restaurant, on a first date. FML.
Afterwards I found out that the payment for the crime report may be distasteful, but it seems to be policy, rather than a bribe.
Today, I found out that I'm 8 weeks pregnant. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to be leaving for Paris with my college abstinence group for a year.
Today, I found out that the leak that has been dripping constantly on my head at work for the past 4 days is human waste from the three flats above.
Today, I found out that the leak that has been dripping constantly on my head at work for the past 4 days is human waste from the three flats above.