Live one day, is blessed, you should cherish. When I cry I had no shoes, I found someone have no feet.
But the dream paid off, and I found someone willing to chase it with me. Stick with it, and you will, too.
As an artist, I can say that I would be infuriated if I found someone had used the same exact poses that I.
Every time I searched for Vanessa's hand under the table, I found someone else's smooth hand-gabriel Garmendia's.
I have been crying, has been crying, crying, I have no new shoes to wear. Until one day, I found someone had no feet.
But when I hurried back into the reading-room, I found someone was sitting on the seat which I had occupied in advance.
But, as we appreciate a painting, I found someone littering rubbish, I walked past, warned him: here is the public, can not littering.
As an artist, I can say that I would be infuriated if I found someone had used the same exact poses that I worked hard to think up and render so they didn't have to do that same work themselves.
I described my type of gardenia to the flower sellers. Someone said that it did have appeared before, but hardly could it be found now.
I was a conference call the other day and found myself getting agitated by what someone was saying.
And I have found myself in plenty of situations where I’ve wanted to give someone (my husband, a colleague) what I thought was helpful advice only to inadvertently offend him or her.
This is pretty cool functionality - but I'm not sure I would have found it had it not been pointed out to me by someone in the know!
That might be reasonable for people accessing the Web and email on their cellphone, but for someone using a laptop, I found to my cost, 15 megabytes doesn't go far.
An imaginary conversation on forgiveness; what I had asked years ago, and the answers I have found since - right or wrong, I do not know, but offered in the hopes someone somewhere might benefit.
I mean, really, when was the last time you found someone who wanted to discuss the theory of relativity or the law of diminishing marginal returns?
On a completely different errand, I found a page where someone had needed, found, and used a coding technique I'd mentioned briefly in the (very public) log of the site.
I found a reference on a forum (see Resources) to someone who supposedly wired up a serial port, so that might be possible as well.
I have found myself many times in the last week using Google to look for Kim in Discussions, Real-Time, News and other search sub-types to see the latest that someone has written about her.
I found one occurrence where someone wanted access to more themes.
Back in 2008, I found myself in Fiji being passed a phone to speak to someone about the Tribewanted project I had heard about.
I found out later from someone who work there, they never started the project to deliver the technology.
I later found out that she started dating someone the day after I left, which I believed was her premeditated plan.
Once I was ready to start dating I found myself in an undercover relationship with someone too ashamed to be seen in public with me.
I found her rolling her eyes and giggling at a flyer someone had posted on a message board, advertising for a "vegan naturist" house mate.
I've never had someone as good for me as you, no one like you. So lonely before, I finally found what I've been looking for.
Later that evening, she said, "so I think I've found someone for you to marry."
Later that evening, she said, "so I think I've found someone for you to marry."