When I go out with friends, they always smile loudly and I just sit quietly in the corner.
I know a lot of women who do not exercise or do not go out with friends simply because they feel selfish doing that.
I will date you (if you're female), I will be friends with you, and I will probably even pay for dinner if we go out and you order a meat dish.
When I want to go out to play with my friends, my mother always says, "Stay at home. Don't waste your time."
I will date you (err, if you’re female, haha), I will be friends with you, and I will probably even pay for dinner if we go out and you order a meat dish.
I can easily stay up later than my normal range of bed times if I work, go out with friends, or do other stimulating activities.
If I hang out with my friends, we go to Carrefour, buy food and then go back to my place and cook.
I don't think twice about getting dressed up to go shopping or to go out for dinner with friends.
Before we were married, Jess would go out with her group of friends a lot, which I later became a part of.
I like to go out with my friends in Miami and we like to play some basketball too.
I think students should be allowed to go out with their friends.
Me? When I go out I mostly prefer to eat in peace with my wife and friends without people knowing where we are - I guess we all get old.
Me? When I go out I mostly prefer to eat in peace with my wife and friends without people knowing where we are -i guess we all get old.
I like the fact that I have my friends I can go home to , hang out with and be a normal kid, because you only live once.
Normally when my friends call on me, we go out for eating. Sometimes I also accompany with my parents eating out when they want me to see their friends.
I made plans to go out with friends.
My nightlife. I really like to hang out with my friends and go out on the weekends and um.
Actually, I treat different kinds of museums as a place for hanging out with my friends so I go to the museums quite often, especially the science museum.
In some social Settings, like when I am invited or go out eat with friends, I honestly find it still hard to stick completely to vegan food, in particular avoiding eggs.
And then I will take full use of my time to go out play with my friends, because I will have to help my mother to prepare for the Spring Festival when it's in the corner.
When I go out with my friends, I find they will take out their cellphones, taking pictures all the time.
Every time when I go out with my friends for food, I will think about hotpot first.
Every time when I go out with my friends for food, I will think about hotpot first.