Started writing. The only writing I had done previous to this blog, had been in Elementary school English class.
And if I had an experienced biochemist or molecular biologist at the bench for a year or two it probably would have cost the same and would have been done faster.
"I heard more of what I had done wrong than what I did right," he said, adding that my letter had brought him welcome reassurance that his career had been appreciated.
Then when I called the last time, you could have said that although everything possible had been done for Edgar, he had died.
I said the operator's part in the business had been represented to me as something which can be done entirely without feeling - rather like turning the handle of a barrel-organ.
If I had discovered it through surreptitious means-reading his journals or letters, which I couldn't possibly have done, knowing him as little as I did-it would have been different.
I had been thinking how to finish it because I had never done any thing by myself before.
Mr Kramer said: 'To be honest, I was just so pleased that finally something that I had done which has been a huge success and changed the music industry was being acknowledged.
A couple of women who had been standing nearby during the birth sat by me, and told me they couldn't have done what I had.
In all my years of travel, one of the best things I have done is learn to scuba dive in the Yasawa Islands. I had been avoiding it for years.
I was in my thirties and it had been fifteen years or more since I'd done any acting.
Started writing. The only writing I had done previous to this blog, had been in Elementary school English class. Writing has been one of the most positive and scariest things I've ever done.
The overalls I was wearing were of very thick cloth and no serious damage had been done.
I stopped looking for shortcuts - I had been a huge fan of shortcuts - and started actually doing the work required to get things done.
I thought he had been the owner's son. And he never said, Miss; he should have done, shouldn't he, if he's a servant? '?
I might have done it before now if I had not guessed what he was after, and been on my guard.
It was always my ambition to become involved in football but I suppose if things had been different, I'd have done what my Dad did and brothers do and entered the building trade.
I knew everything about these various births: where they had taken place, what my name had been, which family I had been born into, and what I had done.
I soon found that the work I was doing had already been done by someone else. In other words, I was wasting my time.
Must have been something silly I had done, sorry for wasting your time and thanks for the help.
Would he have done this if he had been a woman? I doubt it-no woman would use skin as a wall motif.
I wish I had started doing some things earlier on, but I'm very content with where I am now. I have done pretty good for myself, and God has been good to me.
The stacks of paper bore witness to a huge amount of work waiting to be done, even though I had been working seven days a week.
That which I had done by the impulse of my best feelings produced the same effect as though it had been the result of calculation .
That which I had done by the impulse of my best feelings produced the same effect as though it had been the result of calculation .