After I hung up I remembered what I'd wanted to say.
I hung up the phone and drove my computer to a small, friendly repair place I'd heard about.
On Christmas Eve I hung up my stocking along with my sisters.
On Christmas Eve I hung up my stocking along with my sisters'.
No sooner had I hung up, said the man, Than the same guy called up again.
I'm sorry, I shouted into the phone, I thought our objective was to win, and I hung up.
I could not help complaining to anybody who existed in the world after I hung up the phone.
I hung up the receiver, wondering if Ted Kennedy or John McCain bought ant traps on the way home from work.
"Children wanted to think:" I'll tell the people sit on the plane tie belt, meeting I hung up my parachute jump to go.
When finished, I hung up the phone, and the result was a simple slide show that anyone in my family could play back with ease.
What I wasn't prepared for were the feelings and the memories that came flooding back to me as I hung up that first load of laundry.
What I wasn't prapared for were the feelings and the memories that came flooding back to me as I hung up that frist load of laundry.
As soon as I hung up the phone, I got my tape recorder, my large umbrella and a wooden chair. "I'm going to record our son some thunder, " I told Pat.
I knew, gazing at the photograph Noah e-mailed after we hung up, that I was looking at our daughter.
I marveled at the new capabilities of my son — and hung up from our talk feeling deeply satisfied.
I kept getting hung up on the organization of the content of the book. I had so much information to share. I just couldn't figure out how arrange it in a simple, easy to understand outline.
Not to be too self-pitying (or self-aggrandising), but I hadn't really cared about a woman outside my family since Margie and I had hung up our phones in 1995.
I did phone her this morning, but she hung up on me. I think she is going to walk out on me.
I call to my boyfriend, that woman asked: "Who is she!" my boyfriend looked at my wife I said yes, and then hung up!
I don't know what happened. she just hung up the phone and tore out of here.
A misty chill hung in the air, so I turned up the collar of my coat.
She wanted to know why I didn't tell her right away that she had the wrong number . Before I could answer her, she hung up.
She wanted to know why I didn't tell her right away that she had the wrong number . Before I could answer her, she hung up.