"I jokingly responded:" just as it is interesting.
I jokingly suggest thou sacrifice Isaac and thou immediately runs out to do it.
"You mean I have to look at this for the next four years?" I jokingly said to her.
They asked me why I didn't have one originally and I jokingly told them it was because I didn't think anyone would come.
When I jokingly described him as one of the "linear people", he looked utterly bewildered, as if I'd created a category out of thin air.
Then I jokingly said, "I am the last one to be interviewed in this group, but I also hope that I will still be a one to receive your offer!"
接着我调侃式地说:“iamthelastonetobeinterviewed inthisgroup,but ialsohopethat iwillstill beaone toreceive an offer !”
Jokingly, I said to the group, "What do you think if we go a week without using our laptops or smartphones?"
On a solo trip to Rio I stayed with him and he jokingly told me he could always spot the solo travelers by the red streaks on their backs: the spot they couldn’t reach themselves with sunscreen.
This college counselor I met, she said it sort of jokingly but she said bad dad, when I told her that we hadn't taken an SAT prep class or done a college tour yet.
Aime jokingly asked if I wanted to go into one of the places, but I declined.
When I reached the checkout girl I remarked, jokingly, that my money was all gone after I had paid for all the articles.
She jokingly replied, "I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel." "No, seriously?" I.
I'm saying that kind of jokingly but I think you are facing a rather if you're out in the job market you are facing a difficult economy.
"An iPad?" I ventured, half-jokingly.
'I've often said jokingly to my female colleagues,' I wish I had a wife, "she says."
Half jokingly, he said, I don't know why you people like to take protein supplement.
I feel like this is a question we always like to ask jokingly with friends or family.
"I was sitting on the John one day and I said, 'That's a good idea,'" Jackson said jokingly.
"Where should we grab some food?" Perhaps no other question has motivated more consumer technology entrepreneurs. Well, I say that only half-jokingly.
Amber: jokingly Is that right? I thought you might be a bit older... just joking.
"Unfortunately, I couldn't get liquid helium delivered to my garage to finish the device, " Flynn says jokingly.
I mean, even jokingly, you know how women feel about their shoes. It becomes very important.
I mean, even jokingly, you know how women feel about their shoes. It becomes very important.