"You mean I have to look at this for the next four years?" I jokingly said to her.
Then I jokingly said, "I am the last one to be interviewed in this group, but I also hope that I will still be a one to receive your offer!"
接着我调侃式地说:“iamthelastonetobeinterviewed inthisgroup,but ialsohopethat iwillstill beaone toreceive an offer !”
Jokingly, I said to the group, "What do you think if we go a week without using our laptops or smartphones?"
This college counselor I met, she said it sort of jokingly but she said bad dad, when I told her that we hadn't taken an SAT prep class or done a college tour yet.
'I've often said jokingly to my female colleagues,' I wish I had a wife, "she says."
Half jokingly, he said, I don't know why you people like to take protein supplement.
"I was sitting on the John one day and I said, 'That's a good idea,'" Jackson said jokingly.
But Edwards looked at the salmon-colored jacket Clinton wore and said jokingly, "But I don't know about that jacket."
After knowing this study, my friend half jokingly said, "now, I know why so many men working out at the gym!"
To lighten up the atmosphere, SH jokingly said "in this case, am i better (than the substitute)?", making everyone laughed.
为化解当场气氛,承宪还开玩笑说“这样看来,我(比起替身演员)驾驶摩托车没有更好吗? ”引起大家地笑声…
'I've often said jokingly to my female colleagues,' I wish I had a wife, 'she says.
"I certainly had no idea that being your authentic self could get you as rich as I have become," Oprah Winfrey said jokingly a few years ago.
“我当然不知道做真实的自己或许可以让一个人像我一样变得这么富有,”几年前奥普拉·温弗瑞(oprah Winfrey)曾这样开玩笑地讲道。
"I certainly had no idea that being your authentic self could get you as rich as I have become," Oprah Winfrey said jokingly a few years ago.
“我当然不知道做真实的自己或许可以让一个人像我一样变得这么富有,”几年前奥普拉·温弗瑞(oprah Winfrey)曾这样开玩笑地讲道。