Yes, and I was looking forward to getting home so much — and what with being tired and everything — I think that's why I just forgot about the case.
So, instead of just managing your time, I think the highest leverage thing you can do is manage your intention.
So for me, finding an extraordinary archaeological site I had to think how is this going to help these people and not just me as a researcher.
I can think of so many reasons why you should love yourself, but here's just one: It is incredibly dull and uninspiring to be around people who do not love themselves.
From the review of events I have just provided, I think we can conclude that WHO is effective, sometimes strikingly so, in some areas.
A lot of the time they don't really notice it because they simply think "I have random green dots in a tile, so this is a grass tile, and I can just throw it all over the place...
很多时候人们不会注意到这一点,因为他们认为“我把不同明暗的绿色绘制了图块,所以这是一个草地图块,我可以把它铺满任何想铺的地方。 我该继续画下一个图块了。”
Uncle Sam: "I no never know never forget about you, you told me a lot about myself, but I just don't think it's healthy to be so focused on you all the time."
So rather than worrying about this sort of thing a lot, I just prepare for opportunities and I think how to respond when the challenges come up.
So I think when reality TV started having people aspire to be on TV, they see the attention celebrities get just by the virtue of having kids.
So saying it cannot occur just because the alternative is too bad to fathom, I think, is a bit too easy to say.
I think I may want to relax the rigid napping schedule and try just napping when I feel the need to do so.
In fact, I think I've been getting over-addicted to socializing during this time because the interactions are just so amazing.
We're going to do this in four, just for — just because I think it works out better so everybody tap your foot with a four beat.
'It's going to be terrifying, and at the test screening they had, apparently people were leaping out of their seats terrified, so I think it's just going to be a really, really good movie.'
I don't think it would be a bad thing to do so; it just hasn't ever been necessary.
We don't have the ideal world that I just described, but to some extent we do, so we want to think about diversifying in this world.
I think they were just a succession of dings but I'm hearing it — my mind wants to hear this organization So there's another organization here of units of three.
And the beans were practically right outside the door, so I just pull one off and stand there and eat them and think of her.
First of all, I think that just in that sentence you have used some very nice, very interesting turns of phrase, so I'm not sure that I completely believe what you say!
So, you might think I could just use this to model a collision with a body wrapped in bubbles now, right?
Sometimes I would think about staying up late at night, so I could see him leave them there, but just like with Santa Claus, I didn't want to ruin the magic for fear that he would never do it again.
But I think we can agree that the past 35 years have basically been a death march, so let's just part ways.
I think what's so difficult for most people is the belief that confidence has to be based on having a specific solution at hand but that's just not true.
Right. I just think when he went abroad, he wasn't respected that he lost self-esteem. And so I think that's why.
I like to listen to what different people think about different issues. There's just so much happening out there.
As I recall, I don't think I seriously thought that my father would ever not be released and I did not think he would be abused physically, so we just went on living.
But for our purposes, I think it's not a contender. So I'm just going to put it aside.
A few ex-boyfriends aside, people seem to think I turned out just fine. So why do we still worry that there's something wrong with just one?
A few ex-boyfriends aside, people seem to think I turned out just fine. So why do we still worry that there's something wrong with just one?