Bobby: no way! I just want to know if you think I would be a good husband.
I run away from you sometimes because I just want to know if you would follow.
I know it was! I just want to know where you learnt, how did you do it? Nowhere.
I just want to know that how long you will inform me about the result of the interview.
My meaning is simple. I just want to know how you feel. Are you tired, hungry or thirsty?
I don't want to know how much you rake in, I just want to know how much you will lend me?
I just want to know, please tell me, how much do you make an hour? Pleaded the little boy.
No. I just want to know that how long you will inform me about the result of the interview.
"I just want to know, please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" pleaded the little boy.
"I just want to know, please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" pleaded the little boy.
"I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?" pleaded the little boy.
I just want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.
'I don't really need a FedEx man to stand at my door,' Ms. Jin said. 'I just want to know I'm getting the best prices.
Michael: I'm not asking you to decide for me. I just want to know what you think. You must have your likes and dislikes.
Thank you for your information. But I have little knowledge about the packing. I just want to know the details about that.
I just want to know if you actually love me or if you make excuses because you don't but also don't want to hurt my feelings.
Really I just want to know the Numbers for each given day in any seven-day span, and I can get that information easily with Hadoop.
Frankly, I just want to know the most uncompromising, most mercilessly powerful tensor available on the market right now, because I do not have much experience with tensors.
Yes, $150 starts off my day! I'm sure if someone could have seen the smile on my face, they would have understood, I shouted in joy, with my poor dog looking at me like I was crazy! Start your morning off thinking you are going to have the best day ever and you just might! I really want to know what will happen next.
I know you want me to follow in your footsteps, but I just... basically, I can't.
"I don't want to be an oddball or different or nothing, but I just don't know," he says.
Stand up, Bilqis, just so that we — (laughter) — I want everybody to know — she's got heels on.
So before you hit SEND to forward E-mail, ask yourself: do I know the item I'm sharing is true, or do I just want it to be?
As far as carrying the torch for the years to come, I don't know. I just want to be the best basketball player I can be.
As far as carrying the torch for the years to come, I don't know. I just want to be the best basketball player I can be.