I know better than that, but at least I was able to correct it after halftime.
I should know better than believe in this erroneous idea that is deeply woven into all of the billions of dollars of advertising messages swirling around us.
But I do know this: the answers to their problems will not come from a better understanding of compound interest or another explanation that it's important to spend less than you earn.
It wasn't until months later that I started making some real changes in my life, changes that I know made me much better able to balance my life and devote time and effort to more than my job.
“I don’t know what they’re going to do for the next couple of years, ” he said, “but we all know that over five years they’ll recover and do better than American stocks.”
Billy: : Michael, you know me better than that! I would never do such a thing to a colleague.
I know no better way of bringing in light to yourself than to wish to share that light with others.
I also know that some words will make others unhappy, but I think say it directly, than his tricks is much better!
I know photographers far better than me that walk around with one battered body and a single lens and do great work.
I want all of you to know that I plan to be better, stronger and smarter on the court than I've ever been before.
I work well in groups. I seek out other people's ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humble.
I know of no better place for you to ride the horse than just up and down in front of the gap that I ordered you to have closed.
Once again Catti-brie shows me that she knows me better than I know myself.
It wasn't until months later that I started making some real changes in my life changes that I know made me much better able to balance my life and devote time and effort to more than my job.
I know better than anybody else does that you have to try out hypotheses that may not turn out to be true.
I seek out other peoples ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone.
I did not even know that the British empire is dying, still less did I know that it is a great deal better than the younger empires that are going to supplant it.
I may be in high demand, and she does not know how to understand, in fact I very much hope that she is better than some, but I do not know her expectations!
But, when you do good, I hope you strive for more than just the good feeling that service provides, because I know this for sure, that doing good actually makes you better.
I do know that I can bring their appearance home to you better than by saying that they looked like monstrous kangaroos, twenty feet in length, and with skins like black crocodiles.
I do know that I can bring their appearance home to you better than by saying that they looked like monstrous kangaroos, twenty feet in length, and with skins like black crocodiles.