I knew none of this—if indeed I know any of it now and am not just making patterns in the air, but as I thought back then on what had excited me, the excitement came back.
In the beginning, I didn't know what to expect when people found out, but now I know that there are some who find it very hard to just be respectful about it.
Patient: (still chuckling) And now that it’s ending I have to ask: there were times—I just know it—that you weren’t listening to a word I was saying, right?
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to go someplace and just for a period think to yourself, "Well, you know, right now I don't have to worry about that."
I I know, and it takes so much time from his class work. Maybe he could just forget about sports for now.
You know what, I am sorry, I had a whole inspirational section of this prepared, but it just feels phony now, so…I'm gonna scrap these scripted words and just speak to you guys from the heart.
I know it's been a long time since I last updated my blog, but now that the season is over and I've settled down after a week of just chilling, I'm ready to get it going again.
I know that if I stop now and just think to myself that I've done well, it will mean nothing.
I know it hurts, but you deserve someone better. I just really want to focus on my career right now.
Now I know that Mr. Ding didn't really want to make me leave, it was just a joke. But that change my life.
I know it's cold and raining but we're here now, so let's just make the best of it.
I don't know whether you have notIced It or not, now, the bedroom In every famIly just cannot do wIthout dIsplayIng a few stuffed anImals.
O I know I know so it is' replied the Rat evasively. 'But I think we won't go there just now.
And I never complained about the working conditions. I thought that's just how it was supposed to be. Now I know that's wrong. But at the time I had no clue.
I know that they were interested, that is part of the game now, but I am just preparing for this game and I am not ready to talk about it too much because I don't want to lose my focus.
No one can tell what will happen in the future, and I don't know if we will have a future, so just not think about it now.
No one can tell what will happen in the future, and I don't know if we will have a future, so just not think about it now.