It is so hot that once when I had a fever a friend called and asked me how I felt and I said, "You know how dry and hot paper feels when it's been faxed?"
About twelve hours after the earthquake, when Telecom Italia had restored phone service, I called my family to let them know that I was all right.
X so here I'm declaring another variable called X, and this is totally legitimate because I already know that if I'm implementing a function like swap or increment, I can absolutely take input.
I even gave a talk at a Flex conference and got called out on the fact that I didn't know the right way to use some of the invalidation routines (which was completely true).
我在Flex大会上做过演讲,但很多人都表示我没有真正理解某些无效路由(invalidation routines)的使用方式(确实如此)。
How do I know that it's the Array class whose sort method is called? I wrote another expression to make sure?
I tremble when I know that I'm going to be called on in English class.
When I was a child only know music good to listen, but don't know how to describe it in words, but now I know, that is called "the sounds of nature".
Today, I called my boss to let her know that I was suffering from severe depression and that my doctor suggested I take a month's leave.
Every time I receive a smile from a stranger with which I encounter on the streets, I know there is such thing in the world that is called happiness.
I was called into that room which is now his - I have never entered it since - and came out, what you know me.
I have not played many games and I know that when I'm called up, I can't be inferior to the goalkeeper I deputize for.
You are not qualified to say that I have changed, I know that there is a word called worship you give it?
I know it has something to do with some mythical thing called a mutex, rarely can I find someone that bothers to stop and explain what one of these are.
I like to expand my own vocabulary by finding new words that mean the same thing as words I already know. These words that mean the same thing are called synonyms.
Several years later, I discovered that I know from the book called "root", not "people."
Several years later, I discovered that I know from the book called "root", not "people."