"You said you'd stay till tomorrow."—"I know, Bel, but I think I would rather go back."
“你说过要待到明天。” — “我知道,贝尔,但我想我还是要回去。”
I know expert of that, but I think you can try lifting weights and do at least 200 sit-ups twice a day.
When you have to say something in English, think first and ask yourself" What words and phrases do I know in English that I can use in this situation?"
Right now I think I want white for the window frames and yellow for the walls, but I'll let you know tomorrow.
No, I think not, and I know that none of you believes it is worth it to cause unnecessary damage to the planet that gives you shelter.
And yeah, I know you know how to do it, but let's think about what might happen if I wanted to do that.
Not that I know exactly what you should do, but I think what you should not do is have a class and just enumerate the 23 patterns.
I think if you wanted to know how to use this information, I wouldstart by working on your physical energy.
A woman saw three old men sitting in her front yard. She said, “I don’t think I know you, but you must be hungry.
"You're absolutely right," Lydia replied. "However, I think I know how you can save a lot of money."
You know what I mean? Going back to this one, if I said this jug was loud, what would you think?
If I feel like it, and have the time, I'll play with your beta and let you know what I think.
O my good sister, you do not know how foolish I become when I think of my daughter's first communion!
"I know what you think of me," I say. I hadn't known I would say it.
You know I don’t think I was quite as sad as that, albeit maybe I was and he perceived that and I didn’t.
I can't. I'm already behind schedule. Besides, you know Mr. Thomas. He would think that I was fooling him.
And I say, no, I think any of you should know that potassium lies under sodium.
'I know you take your hat off inside but I didn't think it went that far,' he says.
I do not think of you as a "Dog on two feet" - I know what you are. You are human, in all of your quirkiness, and I love you still.
I do not think of you as a "Dog on two feet" - I know what you are.You are human, in all of your quirkiness, and I love you still.
I think if you wanted to know how to use this information, I would start by working on your physical energy.
Jane: What do I think of him? You know him better than I do, don \ 't you?
When I think of you, your name, your smiles and everything about you, I know they are not belonging to me any more.
I just wanted to let you know that I think you're all the way beautiful. Not just pretty, but, you know, smart and kindhearted.
You know it's very interesting because you know at first I am unhappy about the way that the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I think anyone shouldn't be unkind to anyone else.
You know it’s very interesting because you know at first I am unhappy about the way that the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I think anyone shouldn’t be unkind to anyone else.
You know it’s very interesting because you know at first I am unhappy about the way that the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I think anyone shouldn’t be unkind to anyone else.