I've been able to work late when needed, travel whenever I wanted for stories, and move around the country for better jobs.
Afterwards, I would feel bad for having wasted so much time doing unproductive things, that I'd work extra hard, and usually late into the night.
I like my boss except for one thing - he's always nagging me about getting to work on time. I'm never more than five minutes late, and that's only when the bus doesn't show up on time.
Another 145 pulled in and, not wanting to be late for work, I got on it, calling a friend en route to ask them to deliver my grandchildren's supper.
Starting a family this late, I knew there was the real risk I wouldn't be around to see the children start work and have their own families, and this was a problem for me.
One winter morning, an employee explained why he had shown up for work 45 minutes late. "It was so slippery out that for every step I took ahead, I slipped back two."
The same driver late for work could say, "my boss did not believe a hold up held me up. But the police confirmed what I said so my story held up."
I like my boss except for one thing — he's always nagging me about getting to work on time. I'm never more than five minutes late, and that's only when the bus doesn't show up on time.
Families often use messages to communicate with each other about the events of daily life (for example, "I need to work late today, and will be unable to make it home for dinner.")
What You Mean: I will incorporate the sound of my alarm clock into my dreams and hit snooze 30 times before being late for work.
Alternatively its "top ten bunk off ideas" included such improbable excuses as: "I will be late for work today because I have to pick my uncle up from the train station."
Now I'm going to be late for work, my boss will yell at me, and I will probably get fired!
I just got married and each evening I waited for my wife coming back home late after work.
I always work hard for what I didn't go home until work overtime late at night.
But I was late for work this afternoon because my son planned to go skating and I wordily told him about the safe items!
Well, I finished work late on Friday evening and had to meet some friends for dinner, so I got home late. Then Saturday was busy too.
Sorry I'm late, the forums didn't work for my computer and I couldn't come to the threads.
If I'm running late for work I don't think twice about eating toast in the car or on the bus but I know my mum wouldn't approve.
Today, I was running late for work so instead of walking the ten minutes to the office, I took a taxi.
One morning, when I was late for work, my infant son Larry's topaz birthstone fell from my gold chain.
I was late for work partly because I got up late and partly because I met with an accident.
I have been late for work all month, but I still haven't gotten a call from the personnel department.
I worked there for three months. Every day, I got up early and went to bed late to do the work well. I felt very tired and bored.
Yes, but I couldn't help it. I was late getting off work for a start.
Yes, but I couldn't help it. I was late getting off work for a start.