If my mistress and all her friends can laugh at what I say, so may you too, I should think.
For these students, I will not argue with them face to face, but laugh at them in heart: Since you look down upon those who can do well in the exam, why don't you demonstrate your own abilities?
My DEAR HARRIET, — you will laugh when you know where I am gone, and I cannot help laughing myself at your surprise tomorrow morning, as soon as I am missed.
I believe that ifyou can laugh at yourself, it probably means you like yourself, deepdown inside, and you know that you're no better and no worse thananybody else.
I know you don't remember that far back, but in about the second lecture I made a joke of Professor Guttag which, you know, you didn't laugh at, he didn't laugh at, that's okay.
You can laugh at me for saying this if you want I don't really care.
You can laugh at me for saying this if you want I don’t really care.
"I have to laugh at the comment that you need to be willing to change and go to Plan b, because we've always had to adapt as we've gone along," says Hoffius.
Remember the day when we first met and how I annoyed you with my not-so-funny jokes, and how you pretended to laugh at them?
Professor Scott said: 'At its heart, the natural place where you find laughter is in interactions, so I would say give yourself as many opportunities to laugh with the people who make you laugh.
You always give me understanding in looking at, you often say happiness is the child's gift. So today, I send the last laugh, warm your heart.
I and you kiss goodbye in nobody's street, lets the wind laugh at me not to be able crazily to reject.
You again and again on the blog challenge my patience, always say some challenging laugh at it, interesting? I don't respond to you I'm sorry your diligent.
But I also hope your personality is not too serious, and that you are able to laugh at yourself sometimes!
"I didn't tell the story at all," the interpreter answered with a smile. "I just said, the honourable lecturer has just told a funny story." You will all laugh, please.
Many of these people laugh at spiritual people like us saying, oh, you know spiritual, superstition, cheating people. Insurance companies are the biggest cheat I some times think.
Look at some of the things you see very clear, before you think too much, I still want to be dead drunk once together, laugh and cry back story.
You were just some boy who made me laugh at a party once, and now I loathe the sight of you.
If I tell you I can speak Cantonese, but I speak Cantonese like people who speak Jiangxinese or Shanghainese, you're gonna laugh at me.
Oh! staff outside give me some laugh, I thought that you don't laugh and scold at me. kekek…
If you don't, I'll just laugh at you when I Desert Twister your one Swamp , knowing you have a Skirge in your hand.
People laugh at me and go, "Oh look at you, the Buddha" - stuff like that. I don't care.
I know that life is sometimes full of frustrations, yet, if all of you can take things lightly, less serious, and just laugh it all off, at least your body can get healthier.
That is why I laugh at myself and shatter my secret in jest. I make light of my pain, afraid you should do so.
I would take a look at my mirror before I went to school and after school. You might laugh at me and thought I was a self-love girl. I admitted I was at that moment.
I think, you must cry not laugh at that time, also not be, like a monkey picked up a piece of ginger, eat not, throw is not right, is it?
I did not culture. Here you to the world of Chinese and foreign friends, poems poem. That's bad, do not laugh at.
I did not culture. Here you to the world of Chinese and foreign friends, poems poem. That's bad, do not laugh at.