I can take a heat pack, like the kind you buy at a pharmacy. Break it up. It gets hot.
Yes--the way I'd like a hot stove if I was to set on it long enough.
It's too hot sometimes, but I can swim in the river in summer, so I like it too.
Daniel: I want it to be special. And you know that I always like hot food.
A big reason is because I like the coolness of the morning, whereas it can be quite hot to run in the afternoon.
Jiamin: I like swimming, but I don't like summer. It is too hot. I prefer winter. When it snows, I can make a snowman.
I like spring best. It is neither too cold nor too hot. Freezing days make me lazy and stuffy days make me lazier. How about you?
Much as I should like to see you, I'm afraid you may find it inconvenient to come in this hot weather.
I still remember the weather on last year today was like what it is now, neither hot nor cold, but days later, the cold wave came.
But there's no hot water after 10 at night. Sometimes I like to have a hot shower before bed, especially in the winter. It feels good.
We don't like hot weather. But last summer I stuck it in the south for a few weeks.
Every morning, my mother pulls me up from my bed. It takes much longer to get up. But I like the breakfast in winter morning, because mother often cooks hot food for me. It makes me much warmer.
Most people hate the sunshine in summer because it's too hot, but I just like it. It makes me feel happy, bright and warm.
Since it is summer now, I would like to share some Chinese Idioms about hot weather with you all.
I like Chinese literature, you know. But economics is really hot now, and it has a very good career prospect.
But there's no hot water after 10 at night. Sometimes I like to have a hot shower? Before bed, especially in the winter. It feels good.
Sometimes I like to have a hot shower? Before bed, especially in the winter. It feels good.
Put it in a real teacup, on a real saucer. Under the cup, on a tiny piece of paper, write "I love you". If she doesn't like tea, try hot chocolate.
And yes, I just finished my yoga hot class, my yoga mat was with me, like a loyal little dog, and it was early morning, the sun hasn't come out yet, but I felt the soft sunshine in myself.
Like it! Yes-the way I'd like a hot stove if I was to set on it long enough.
I have a social network website or friend network made in Joovili 3.0.6 and I do not like the picture rating system, so I need to change it to something better like hot or not.
Sometimes I like to have a hot shower before bed, especially in the winter. It feels good.
Then like magic, after I pour the hot water into it, the mug begins to make a soft sound. At that moment, happiness and warmth come into my heart.
I noticed that Xiao Lan is starting to smoke. We must go and ask her to drop it like a hot potato.
During the drive I have a little debrief, and she said that it must have took some balls to take her to the hot tub place so soon like that.
JASON: Yes, I can't believe they have him out in the sun like this. Isn't it too hot?
Personally I like Canada better as I am not thirlled about the hot weather in Austrilia. And it is true that winter here is cold.
Personally I like Canada better as I am not thirlled about the hot weather in Austrilia. And it is true that winter here is cold.