I looked at the jacket, like an enemy, thinking bad things before I took off my old and small jacket.
When I first started out, American buyers would come to see my clothes and I'd show them a jacket and trousers and they'd be like, 'What's the full look?
People who bought these magazines would look at the pictures and say, "Nice jacket" – not "She's so thin, I want to be like her.
I didn't like the color of my jacket. So I went back to the store and swapped it for another one.
My throat constricted. My hands jerked instinctively toward the bulges beneath my jacket. Above the stacks of hundred-dollar bills, I felt something shaped like an enormous suppository.
I didn't like the color of my jacket, so I went back to the store and swapped it for another one.
In winter, I put on my hat, mittens and winter jacket I like to ski on the snow and skate on the ice.
I like to wear a shrunken blazer or leather jacket with a formal dress. It updates the entire look, making it a bit different from the standard fare.
Since Bob is home today for half day, so I get so have more pictures today. And here is the last piece I got from the Thrift Shop, a sequin jacket, cost $25. I like it can be wear day and night.
Since Bob is home today for half day, so I get so have more pictures today. And here is the last piece I got from the Thrift Shop, a sequin jacket, cost $25. I like it can be wear day and night.