I look up to the policeman who helped me out.
Every day I look up to blue sky, looking forward to the emergence of a dream bride.
There are so many players here who I look up to, but I'm not trying to copy anybody else.
I look up to see him standing in front of me just as he throws this bucket of petrol in my face.
I look up to the heavens, but night has clouded over, no spark of constellation, no Vela, no Orion.
Looked to happiness is the way the sun sunflowers, and I look up to happiness is to have your company.
When I look up to the blue sky, flying in the sky to see my fellow gentlemen, I will remember with affection a kind of admiration.
Stomach and unwillingly called to get up, I look up to, want to find a cheaper shop get something to eat, have effort to find a job.
I look up to the God my Lord, my shepherd, begging again attendants. The future of each every second, have all entrusted your hands.
I remove the paper, and raise the skirts up to look at them again before I pack them.
What I shall do in coming weeks is to look at how all of this actually works, how Marxists took up the baton and what the consequences of it all were.
The distinction between "library reference" and "language references" is always fuzzy to me when I go to look something up.
They are much taller than me and I always have to look up when I talk to them.
I want to look up the word. Could you lend me a dictionary?
Not only I but also my classmates look up to him.
One said to the other, "Look at that farmer. I feel very sorry for him. He works so hard in the field, but now it is drying up. I wish I might help him."
Nearby, a box turtle shuffled through the fallen leaves and hissed into its shell when I sat up to take a closer look.
The others barely glanced at it and went back to their shovels, almost enthusiastically, searching for the French Woman, but I went up to the body and forced myself to look at it closely.
Later I tried all out to look up the word, but failed because I did not know its spelling.
The distinction between "library reference" and "language references" is always fuzzy to me when I go to look something up; try both if in doubt.
And I don’t have to look at primary colored plastic in a room that I want to feel grown up.
These are friends who I look-up to because of the way they diet, and because of how they take care of their bodies.
When I am supposed to be doing something work related or if I need to review or look up something, I go straight to Tick Tock Timer and my productivity skyrockets.
Now I even look forward to having bad dreams so I can wake up and see you.
If I could take a look at the place, I could probably tell what it requires to fix it up.
My biggest problem is getting attached when something starts to look good, and being afraid to continue because I might mess it up.
So, I went to go look up the authoritative source on this, and so I looked this up, and I want to give you a sense of what the truth is.
So, I went to go look up the authoritative source on this, and so I looked this up, and I want to give you a sense of what the truth is.