I love my Dad and Mom, so I just want more attention from them, if I were an inventor, they are sure to love me in a better way.
Many years later, after a startup, after falling in love, and after so many of life's adventures, I found myself thinking about my Dad.
Dad winked at me, confirming his secret, and my heart filled with more love for my father than I thought it could hold!
My dad is a real old duffer with such out-dated ideas, but I love him anyway.
My dad popped his head in the room, and the horns started playing "Sea of Love" -and then I just remember Lucas' smile.
I will never forget Dad saying to him, 'I'd love to see you, but this is a special time with my girl.
I wish I could have told my Dad that I love him one more time before passed away.
I realized then that buying Dad an expensive car wasn't just an expression of my love.
Although my father can't afford to go on holidays with me like other dads, I still love my dad.
Dad, I offer my gratitude to you for so many years I have the patience and love I wish you had a strong enough flavor, birthday!
"I love you, Dad." I rested my hand on his shoulder. "Please, don 't give up."
Although only a short sentence I read a long time, when I really feel blessed, there is such love my mom and dad, and I'm proud to have such parents.
I grew up in the love of a family. Without Mum and Dad, none of my story would be here for the telling.
As I grew older, the gifts gave way to heart? shaped boxes filled with my favorite chocolates and always included a special card signed " Love, Dad" .
I installed a two zone electric system right underneath the love seat split right down the middle with a thermostat for my mom and one for my dad.
I've learned... that I wish I could have told my Dad that I love him one more time before he passed away.
"I do love Richard Branson," she says with a dreamy sigh. "But seeing my dad do it all from scratch - he was my real inspiration."
My mom and dad give me a beautiful gift, and my grandmom cooks a delicious meal for me. I love the cake and the food very much.
我的妈妈和爸爸给我一个漂亮的礼物,和我的奶奶厨师对我一顿美餐。我非常喜爱蛋糕和食物。 。
I have a happy family, love my Mom and Dad, but unfortunately no brothers or sisters.
I wish I could have told my Dad that I love him one more time before he passed away.
I'm a happy girl. I like reading books, I love icecream too, I can play the piano very well, I love my mum and dad.
My parents like reading. And my dad like sports. I am at Shiyan School. I can play the piano. I love my family.
我有一个快乐的家。 我的父母爱读书。 我们住在介休。爸爸爱运动。 妈妈是一个英语老师。我在实验小学上学。 爸爸是一名医生。我会弹钢琴。
If it weren't for my dad and his love for the sport, I probably never would've gotten into basketball, but maybe I would've, it's in my blood.
"I looked that man, my dad, straight in the eyes as I held his head between my hands and I said," I love you too, dad, "and we embraced again."
我看着这个男人- - -我的父亲——看着他的眼睛,用双手捧着他的头,我对他说:“爸爸,我也爱您”。我们又拥抱在一起。
"I looked that man, my dad, straight in the eyes as I held his head between my hands and I said," I love you too, dad, "and we embraced again."
我看着这个男人- - -我的父亲——看着他的眼睛,用双手捧着他的头,我对他说:“爸爸,我也爱您”。我们又拥抱在一起。