I wonder if I made a mistake by bringing you up alone, her father had said to her at their most recent lunch, taking it as his failure that she had not found a husband.
Maybe I made a big mistake by likening it to an organic chemistry course--I don't mean to turn you off.
也许我把金融市场学跟有机化学进行类比是个很大的错误- 我并没打算让你们感到厌烦。
I mean, you know, the Navy made a mistake at Pearl Harbor and had too many ships there.
I assure you that any surgeon you'll ever meet in your entire lives, if they stand in front of you and say they never made a mistake, then they've never really been a surgeon.
Maybe I made a big mistake by likening it to an organic chemistry course — I don't mean to turn you off.
"I beg your pardon, sir," said the honest fellow, in almost breathless haste, "but I believe you made a mistake; you intended to give me a two-franc piece, and see, you gave me a double Napoleon."
Are you asking me to retrace my steps through past relationships and find the mistake I made that thwarted a walk down the aisle?
'Richard Hannay, 'I told myself, 'you have made a mistake, and you had better do something about it.
All of the shirts are of a smaller size. I wonder if you made a mistake when sending the goods.
I was trying to make a story to show you, to do DIY BBQ by looking at how I make it here in Nanjing... but I made a big mistake!
Most of the shirts are of a smaller size. I wonder if you made a mistake when sending the goods.
I know that you are good at arithmetic, but you have made such a mistake now.
I made a mistake like I told you and I think William is a great player and on Wednesday night he scored again.
I'm sorry. I must've made a mistake. I'll bring them for you at once.
Are you talking to me? I don't think so. I think you have made a mistake.
Later we made a close investigation and then knew it was a mistake. Therefore, I come here to explain and apologize to you. We will retreat immediately. Beg your pardon for any inconvenience.
Henry said: "I put my hand up. The only mistake I made was to carry on playing with the injury." I missed eight games, which is a lot but when you are well within your body, you enjoy your game.
If your parents made a mistake with you, you can say to yourself, "I forgive them completely for everything."
If it weren't for you, I still would not know that I had made a mistake.
I didn't refer to you when I was saying that somebody had made a mistake.
You see only negatives and dwell on them, distorting your view of a person or situation or your entire life. For example, "I made a mistake on that report and now everyone will realize I'm a failure."
You see only negatives and dwell on them, distorting your view of a person or situation or your entire life. For example, "I made a mistake on that report and now everyone will realize I'm a failure."