I can also promise you that if your business model relies on print sales, you will make a lot more money if you pay close attention to eye placement in your photographs.
Highlord Tirion Fordring says: I make a promise to you now, brothers and sisters: the Lich King will be defeated! On this day, I call for a union.
Make a habit out of reading several pages of a book or one article that inspires you daily and you will act and think more positively, I promise.
And one of my jobs is to make sure that these documents last in perpetuity... I do promise, however, that at the end of the ceremony, you will get a chance to see the originals.
I make a promise to you now, brothers and sisters: the Lich King will be defeated!
A dream that it is so beautiful, I promise I will do whatever it takes to make it come true. Beacause I love you!
If you love me, please, after you make a commitment, in front of me fulfill your promise, because I do not like the man of words;
Because I'm the most serious about our love, so I can't make a promise easily, but I can say, I am using the full heart to love you at least in the present seconds.
Because I'm the most serious about our love, so I can't make a promise easily, but I can say, I am using the full heart to love you at least in the present seconds.