I believe that if you know how to make paper cuts, your life will be nice and more colorful.
All I wanted to do was to make sure that this teacher, who didn't even believe my name was real, to know: If you don't show me the respect I deserve, I won't show you the respect that you deserve.
You see, I believe our nation 11)owes every responsible citizen and every responsible family the tools that they need to make the most of their own lives.
She advises, "I believe if you write down your vision and look at it on a daily basis, it's more likely it will happen. Either consciously or subconsciously, you'll take steps to make it a reality."
I can honestly say that I have never gone into any business purely to make money. If that is the sole motive, then I believe you are better off doing nothing.
Feel your power emerge when you say, "I firmly believe that what I have to say deserves to be heard, and can make a difference."
I now believe that becoming a parent is a gift you make to the universe and that the universe makes to you.
No one else will establish these barriers, and I truly believe they will actually make you stronger in the workplace.
Now I say this not so much to depress the hell out of you, but partly to warn you, and to make it clear that I believe that it's a skill.
But if you care about the person you're with and the relationship you are in I believe it's worth giving it everything you've got to change it and make it better.
After I give you amnesia, before I torture you, Linda I will drive you insane and make you believe that you're Linda.
I don't believe you. You must be making this up: Nope, not my style to make up something like this. This is for real.
Sir Robert Chiltern: Stop! You want me to withdraw the report and to make a short speech stating that I believe there are possibilities in the scheme?
If you know the name of the attribute (as you do in the make-believe example — birthDate), I recommend using name-based queries, as shown in Listing 5.
I just want to set foot on as a graduate social work or lack of experience in life may make you hesitant, but please believe that my ability and confidence.
I wish to make friends with all of you and I believe that we will struggle for our dream and the Ordos College together.
Sometimes simple words like "I believe you can make it" can give endless strength and faith to our desperate classmate.
I know, conspiracy to make you sad pain, your tortured, so that you can not say that out of pain, however, you believe that your pain at the same time, fans no less than your pain.
Welcome eto the phone to consult more product information, sincerely look forward to your choice of our products, I believe our product quality will make you satisfied.
I will forget you, because you make my heart, let I no longer believe in the existence of love.
Thank you for alerting me to this, as I believe I did not make any such links, in my role as WHO spokesperson on Zika.
You can stay in my arms now, and I know I can make you believe again.
My room was inward facing into a central quad area, but I believe you can get ones with a harbour view (probably at an extra charge) if you want to make your stay more pleasant.
My room was inward facing into a central quad area, but I believe you can get ones with a harbour view (probably at an extra charge) if you want to make your stay more pleasant.