I marvel at the felicity of his style.
I remember that once, in front of the Hercules Farnese, people formed a circle to admire him and marvel at him, he was so handsome, was that child!
I continue to marvel at the humility of a sovereign God who descends to live inside us, his flawed creatures.
I stared in awe and could not but marvel at the sheer size of the metropolis and its beaming vitality.
I think my friends will marvel at the craftsmanship as well.
Also, I was surprised to find that there are many small bud bloom yet, I had to marvel at the rose that immense tenacity.
I never cease to marvel AT how some people, working with the same number of hours we all have, seem to get so much more done.
Oh, how I shall praise life and how I shall marvel at the wonders of the universe!
I was the one who had been blind. He had helped me lift the veil that grows so quickly over our eyes in this hectic world, and to see all those things I'd failed to marvel at before.
That was so obviously the wise thing to do and was so well known to me that even now I marvel at myself for doing the reverse.
I can only marvel at the courage it must take for you to be even remotely civil to the man who is the cause of your present condition.
I can only marvel at the courage it must take for you to be even remotely civil to the man who is the cause of your present condition.