I must admit it took a little while for me to get used to Africa, as the differences with Asia are immense.
I must admit it seemed a bit dangerous at first but after I was there for a few months it seemed like home.
I'm excited about promotion though I must admit it is quite tiring running from city to city and living out of a suitcase.
I was really good at science but I must admit I never really enjoyed studying it.
I must admit, however, that my betrothed is not an auspicious maiden — whatever else she may bring one, it is not good fortune.
I must admit that in some respects I share that nostalgia - it would be good for society if there were institutions to turn to for unbiased opinions on the questions that face society.
I must admit that the 303 trick is the least complex approach I've seen, and I'll be interested in watching how it develops with wider practice.
I must admit that I always hated morning exercises and always thought that it would not work for me.
Sam just played a joke in his letter, but I must admit that I took it seriously at first.
I can see that New York must seem dull to her though the family won't admit it.
I hope you will understand in due course exactly what those objects meant to him, Harry, but you must admit that it is not difficult to imagine that he saw the locket, at least, as rightfully his.
Oh, yes, the scythe is new to me as well, but I must admit… I'm starting to like it.
Well, it is the third day of Hanukkah, and I must admit I was drinking a bit and I did not notice that Jeju was not an original Japanese territory, but an occupied South Corean territory.
嗯,这是第三天了光明,我必须承认我是喝1位,而我没有注意到济不是原来日本的领土,但南Corean 被占领的领土。
There I learned how to read and write in Braille, though I must admit that I found it quite difficult.
And I can quite see that New York must seem dull ther, though the family won't admit it.
Of course, it will be objected at once that I do not know precisely what I mean by this and I must admit that I cannot produce an adequate definition of the word "God".
I must admit, Jack, I thought I had you figured. But it turns out you "re a hard man to predict."
I wasn't really happy after the game because we obviously didn't win the game but I watched it a couple of times after and I must admit I had a good game.
I must admit the inspiration came from Valentine's Day Ideas the first three CARDS. The rest of it is my own. Hope she likes it:.
Well, I have heard something about it but I can't say that it is very clear to me. I must admit I'm a layman as far as insurance is concerned.
Well, I have heard something about it but I can't say that it is very clear to me. I must admit I'm a layman as far as insurance is concerned.