Bill: No, I never do that. I simply pick some up at the newsstand whenever I want to read papers.
I, Donald Sterling, do swear that from this day forward, I will never boo a single member of the Clippers organization.
The $11 billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like "I never do anything right" into positive ones like "I can succeed".
Each loan is so small I'd feel really cheap making a big deal out of it; still, I do resent the fact that she never pays me back.
Physics will never be my favourite lesson, but I think that I'll do well in the exam with Mrs. Chen teaching me.
In fact, I don't enjoy a book that has only good people who never do anything wrong, because it's just not real life.
Before moving on I do have to note that none of us had been drinking and we never did drugs.
For me it's not a dream that comes true, as I never dreamed I could do that when I began to play snooker.
It never earned me a living. For that I had to do other things-when I really needed money, for my wife and kids.
He showed me how to do things that I had never done before and acknowledged my efforts and accomplishments.
I never believed myself that I could be in the French Open final, I wish I can do even better in Saturday's final.
You know, to do an open-ended thing like that would never happen now, I wouldn't think.
“If he says I can never leave the house or never allow someone to come in, I will do that, ” she said. “But I will never accept to marry him.”
I never cured that flaw, and I kept trying to do a lot, but for the next decade I focused most of my energy, and my public statements, on schools and jobs.
Daniel has a unique place in my affections, as I do with him, and that will never change.
I say that I do not like this sort of dreams, and I never would have them if I could help.
I never, in all my life, felt more sure that I was doing right than I do in signing this paper.
I banged us into it, pulled down his pants, told him he must never do that again, and smacked him. Hard.
I cannot begin to tell you how many times I have been told that I am rude, inaccessible or cold, yet I have never purposely tried to harm anyone, nor do I mean to be, well, mean.
I still regret that I never got to taste... She smelled even better than you do.
They may never admit it, or put them into context of their relationship, but I feel we can do that.
I would be so embarrassed if they saw me eating out of a takeout container or putting something in the garbage that I would never do it.
I was working so much, always coming or going, always running, never having enough time to do the things that really matter.
Unfortunately I've never had to do so many things at once, so I can't give much advice on that.
It is because I am sure the UK would never do so that I am certain the euro is not a sane option for that country.
"It was a matter of someone saying you can do it," she explains. "it had never occurred to me that I could be published."
I found that very fascinating. And, this is something you've never seen him do before.
My opponent keeps talking about cutting our taxes by 20%. But, my friends, he's just blowing smoke at you; he knows as well as I do that Congress will never ever approve it.
My opponent keeps talking about cutting our taxes by 20%. But, my friends, he's just blowing smoke at you; he knows as well as I do that Congress will never ever approve it.