I couldn't get in and I never wanted to.
I never wanted to break my parents' hearts.
"I never wanted to play in Portland," Francis said.
I never wanted to weigh more heavily on a man than a bird.
I never wanted to be an artist, but I have been leading an artist's life.
I never wanted to be the next Bruce Lee. I just wanted to be the first Jackie Chan.
I never wanted to admit the extent of my illness, so I learned to get better by myself.
I lost badly and decided I never wanted to see Larry on the other side of the net again.
This is the reason why I never wanted to get revenge and never think that life is not fair.
"I never wanted to have a normal wedding," said Finnegan, who works in animation production.
It's sad to say, but in many of my friends' dangerous actions, I saw what I never wanted to become.
It hurt more and more to hold on to them, but I never wanted to let them go, as long as I was alive.
And there is something else that should be mentioned: I never wanted to leave against United's will.
I never wanted to be divorce. My past wife wanted to divorce me. I wanted to be in marriage forever.
I love myself, I would like to have all, I never wanted to pursue some belonging to the I should not.
I never wanted to be somebody that went after financial freedom and lost my health or lost my family.
When I got it, I tried the editor and the triggers and I liked it so much I never wanted to close it.
I never wanted to go anywhere else in the world, for I was in the mountains. And that was always enough.
I never wanted to burden myself with a great work because I wanted to live something that was unfinished.
"Isn't this your fault?" said the Little Prince, "I never wanted to hurt you, but you want me to tame you..."
I'm probably one of the most dangerous men in the world if I want to be. But I never wanted to be anything but me.
I'm not exactly sure why I saved everything, but I have some sort of idea. I never wanted to forget the great times I'd had growing up.
"I never wanted to have a normal wedding," said Finnegan, who works in animation production. "I couldn't picture myself walking down an aisle."
Near the end of his life, he finally tells Franks he kept the hat because of the "death's head" insignia: "I never wanted to forget who these German soldiers really were.
在生命的尽头,他终于告诉弗兰克斯他保存着那顶帽子的原因,因为它的主人已经故去了。 :“我从来也没有想要忘记那个死去的德国士兵”父亲说。
Near the end of his life, he finally tells Franks he kept the hat because of the "death's head" insignia: "I never wanted to forget who these German soldiers really were.
在生命的尽头,他终于告诉弗兰克斯他保存着那顶帽子的原因,因为它的主人已经故去了。 :“我从来也没有想要忘记那个死去的德国士兵”父亲说。