Then one morning, as I was hanging out "Going out of Business" sign at the greenhouse, the door opened and in walked a customer.
I was so surprised and I could feel my face turning red, because when I opened the door, there at the front door and stood Sarah Westly—the quiet girl who sat next to me in music class—and she was holding a box.
Today, when I opened my store at 5am there was an envelope sitting on the floor by the door.
At length, I resolved on making an excuse to ask if they would have the candles lighted, and I opened the door.
The minute the door opened, I felt too stunned to open my mouth, staring at her scorched and toilworn face under the glaring lamp, as if an ancient thread-bound book.
When I was looking at the scenery, however, the door of the taxi suddenly opened and I fell off immediately.
When the door finally opened, I felt a compassionate pat on my back, and turned to see an elderly nun smiling at me.
At the same moment a door opened, and I saw a courtyard filled with flowers and trees, and there, the beautiful enchanted symbol.
I knocked at the door. Hannah opened it.
I forgot that our alarm automatically turns on at 11 PM, so when people opened the door, it went off.
Today, in between the passing times at school, one of my classmates opened the door to my next class, so I turned to tell him thank you.
Suddenly I heard someone knocked at the door quickly. I put down the newspaper and opened the door.
As I opened the door to leave, the desperate shop owner announced she had one more dress in the back that was expensive and not even my size, but perhaps I might want to look at it anyway.
I see myself stunned at the opened door again, inside was Phil and Megan, whom I was so familiar with that I could tell their feet apart within the glance at the two bodies in bed.
As I opened the fridge door in my silk robe, a little surreptitiously, I heard the cat hissing at me from the kitchen table.
At the moment I was to leave to turn to the dorm keeper, the door opened suddenly.
I gave him the money and he opened a door at the back of the shop.
Then I opened the door, and smiled at him. 'Good morning, Joseph,' I said.
When the door finally opened, I felt a compassionate pat on my back, and turned to see an elderly nun smiling at me.
When the door finally opened, I felt a compassionate pat on my back, and turned to see an elderly nun smiling at me. "You'll get that degree, dear," she whispered.
I laughed, and followed her to the van but stopped just as I opened the door…because I saw someone. At the spot where the bridge used to be, I saw a woman with blonde hair, in a dirty white nightgown.
At around thirteen o 'clock on Saturday, January 26, 2008, I heard the sound of door knocking when I was watching TV in my room, so I opened the door.
I was about to tell him he could not expect me to cover anything up when he opened the barn door and pointed his torch at a motionless shape on the straw.
One day when I was home alone a parcel was left at the door I opened it and there was a box.
After I knocked at the door, the door opened and a boy appeared. He stared me up and down.
After I knocked at the door, the door opened and a boy appeared. He stared me up and down.