Have I pronounced your name correctly?
I pronounced some words in such a bad way that my classmates laughed at me.
Have I pronounced my words correctly?
I pronounced my failure and wanted the protector below to let me down.
With their families looking on, I pronounced Thomas and Donna husband and wife.
Once more, and finally AS it seemed to me, I pronounced him in my heart, a humbug.
I pronounced her an eulogy in order to amuse her, but she misunderstood me as a playboy.
As I pronounced the words, I looked into the eyes of a mother right next to me. Her last hope was gone.
He had caved in and gone down like a landslide wh I pronounced that fearful name, and never come to since.
He had caved in and gone down like a landslide when I pronounced that fearful name, and never come to since.
I remember that at that moment, I pronounced (unconsciously) a MYSTERIOUS SECRET MESSAGE which saved my life.
I pronounced the argumentation of myself on the "channel cooperating and channel conflict" at the end of this chapter.
I pronounced his name, offering him at the same time my hand: he took it, smiling and saying, we shall do very well by-and-by.
It had stunk for several days, and at first, I'd thought I was imagining the fishy odor, but it had become more pronounced.
As I improve each week, the difference in a week isn't pronounced, but over the span of my training schedule, I'll go from my first run of four miles to running 26.2.
Lyons Jazz finally chose a variety of languages are pronounced in the name of crisp-Jaguar, which is based on a World War I flying machine named.
I hope nothing important gets obscured in translation, of course, though in 1Q84 even the title itself presents a challenge since in Japanese the number 9 is pronounced "kyuu."
On arrival he read my palm and pronounced that I would father two children – a girl called Baby Rosemary and a boy named James Bond.
It had stunk for several days, and at first I'd thought I was imagining the fishy odor, but it had become more pronounced.
The manga influence on this is a lot more pronounced in hindsight than it was when I was reading JLA with Kyle as a member.
And I will bring upon that land all my words which I have pronounced against it, even all that is written in this book, which Jeremiah hath prophesied against all the nations.
The house was so old that the floors sank from the walls to the middle at an angle so pronounced I had to put little wooden blocks under the inside legs of our small dining table.
'My supreme loveliness, I love you as I love life, ' he pronounced dramatically in December 1988.
My classmate in Paris, the novelist-to-be Jean-Olivier Tedesco, pronounced, as he prevented me from running to catch a subway, "I don't run for trains."
After hearing In Pine Effect over and over, I was still marvelling at Michael Paradinas (aka u-Ziq, pronounced 'music').
在听过一遍又一遍的《松树效应》后,我仍然惊叹于迈克·帕拉迪纳斯(又名u-ziq 发音像音乐一词“music”)。
After hearing In Pine Effect over and over, I was still marvelling at Michael Paradinas (aka u-Ziq, pronounced 'music').
在听过一遍又一遍的《松树效应》后,我仍然惊叹于迈克·帕拉迪纳斯(又名u-ziq 发音像音乐一词“music”)。