In college, when I created my online dating (约会) profile, in the "favorite books" section I put One Hundred Years of Solitude, A Moveable Feast, White Fang and so on.
But dad don't rest assured I a person in the store, I put one of his mobile phone in me.
I put one coat of this stuff on and I knew automatically that I have built something special here.
Wondering why I put one on the stern when I had those body clips on the other side to hold things together?
These marks here are 13 centimeters apart, and every time that I put one kilogram on, you will see that it goes down by roughly 13 centimeters.
But the noise unnerved me, and I did not hurry. Instead, I put one cautious hand in front of another. And I was glad I did, for my forward hand suddenly felt nothing.
One thing I forgot is if any of you has a cellphone be sure to put that number down.
As one person ironically put it in the comments section of Schwartz's online article, "As I was reading this very excellent article, I stopped at least half a dozen times to check my email."
"I put my phone under my desk so it looks like I'm looking at my textbooks," one of them said.
I remember when it was one of my brother's birthdays, we all put on our oldest clothes and went mud wrestling on a local hill.
One of my most embarrassing moments was when I had a Chinese-American employee put in a request to take time off to celebrate Chinese New Year.
Li said, "I put all the plastic bottles into one pack, and pick out the steeled boxes into another one."
And if I can't simply put what needs to be done on one page, I probably haven't thought through it very well.
"I put all my hope in my one child," said Mr. Li, who has been unable to work because of chronic liver disease.
If you take a bicycle wheel, and we have one, and I put it here and I do nothing, it will fall.
The sheer joy of these moments is hard to put into words, but I do know one thing: I want them to happen again.
Apparently I liked it, because later when I was in school, each time they put on a play I was the first one to sign up.
And I am going to call this whole geometric factor here, I am going to put it into one number, and I am going to denote that the Madelung constant.
If you wish, I will put up three shelters — one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.
I can predict that if I'm looking at, let's put one bar here somewhere.
I want to put down on this axis the return on the stock market and on this axis I want to put the return on one company, let's say Microsoft.
When I put a test branch in the tube, I aligned the zero degree mark on one compass to match up with the first offshoot branch.
I don't want to put them all four in, so I decided I'm only going to put the last one in.
But it's not wise to put everything you have into one corporation, nor do I like commercializing my entire life.
I was telling myself that 'no one else would put in the time and the care' that I was putting in.
I slung one camera around my neck, put the other with the longer zoom lens in a backpack, and started pedaling.
Ever since I joined this group, I have realized that poverty is something one can put behind.
On the first one, I put "for car registration" so I'll remember when I'm done transferring the insurance that I need to schedule a visit to the DMV.
On the first one, I put "for car registration" so I'll remember when I'm done transferring the insurance that I need to schedule a visit to the DMV.