I read in the newspaper that you won the 2nd prize in the National Photo Contest.
I read in the newspaper today that you are to be the architect for the new Bankstown cinema.
Two days after Iencountered the little boy, I read in the newspaper that the woman had passed away.
Congratulations, Wang Li. I read in the newspaper that you won the National Scientist Award this year. I knew you would.
I remember a sentence I read in the newspaper: If there is one thing that can associate all people around the globe, that is football.
I think most of us don't want to read what's in the newspaper anyway in such detail.
I just read in the newspaper that Lord of the Rings is this year's greatest hit.
When you read your newspaper or paper or television, argue with your friends in the pub or whatever you happen to do, I want you to identify when arguments come up.
Josipa Roksa and I have found that 30 percent of individuals in our study reported a year after graduating from college that they read the newspaper (in print or online) either monthly or never.
Clinton: "In an editorial board with the Reno newspaper, you said two different things, because I have read the transcript, you talked about Ronald Reagan being a transformative figure.
克林顿参议员对奥巴马参议员说:“在跟雷诺的那家报纸社论版编辑交谈的时候,你说了两种不同的话,我读了你的谈话的文字记录。 你说里根是一个突破体制的人物。
I have read so many news about people hitting the lottery, then they show their tickets in the newspaper, I always imagine how nice if I were in the picture.
One time, I in Lixia District composition contest, won the second prize, I happy to home run, returned home, see father is carrying me to read the newspaper, brainwave easily, want to cheat father.
Every day at home I would read the newspaper and find that many children had died, no matter whether in war or peacetime, from illness or accidents, or any other reasons.
Once in a newspaper I read of a crowd of people who remained appealingly indifferent to the plea of a mother.
I read the newspaper this morning. I know there is an art exhibition in Taipei Modern art Museum.
Once in a newspaper I read of the news and got shocked that not even one in a crowd of people took action when a mother begged them for help while her baby was in river.
Later I read in newspaper that on the opening ceremony there had occurred physical conflicts twice because audience all wanted to view the exhibition earlier and the staff had to settle the problem.
"I was very surprised to read Galliani's interview in the newspaper and am sure this is just a misunderstanding, " said Calderon.
Because I read your advertisement in the newspaper last week. It says that you need a senior production planner, who is fluent in Englishgood at mathematics.
I read recently actually in the newspaper that there are lots of new gyms opening up.
When you read the newspaper, you will see that a big ship ran aground in the Bosphorus. No one died and they were saved by an unknown person. I was that unknown person, and you will hear about it.
In the morning I reviewed my lessons and read newspaper and magazines, in the afternoon I played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river.
In the morning, Froggie said to Calffie, "maybe we go out for coffee and maybe I read my newspaper."
In the morning, Froggie said to Calffie, "maybe we go out for coffee and maybe I read my newspaper."