I remember the kittens' names!
I remember the first really difficult customer we had at Covent Garden.
I remember the first time I suggested screen-free days in our school to some of our student leaders.
I remember the day during our first week of class when we were informed about our semester project of volunteering at a non-profit organization.
我记得在我们开学第一周的一天, 我们被告知本学期到非营利组织进行志愿活动的计划。
I remember the librarian's hesitation.
I remember the episode I watched of "The Big Bang Theory" was about several protagonists who like comic books.
I remember the black wharves and the slips.
The teachers who have inspired me are the ones who I remember the most
For example, if I look at a page of text will I remember the words perfectly?
I remember the pang I felt when they shouldered their backpacks and stepped on.
I remember the first time I googled it, hoping I could search my way to a cure.
I remember the shocking day when the New York Stock Exchange failed to open its doors.
He paused and then went on, "I remember the day I decided I was too old for a goodbye kiss.
稍微停顿了一下,弗兰克又继续讲下去了。 “我记得有一天里,我认为自己已经长大了而且不需要老爸还是像以前那样跟我亲亲道别了。
I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I Muse on the work of thy hands.
Personally, when I remember the people I have met during this job, two special encounters stand out.
I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.
I remember the first feeling was like a glass of milk in a fridge — sort of thinking why is it so cold?
When I find a word, I remember the cells that form it, and then add that word to all those cells' word cache.
I remember the moment when the BlackBerry was cool. It was a fleeting moment when I was kind of cool too.
I remember the advice of my former roommate who - once and again - occupied the same stool I stood up from.
I remember the day before I was sworn in, my staff and I decided we should hold a press conference in our office.
I remember the flowers and fruit trees and butterflies - thousands and thousands of butterflies in the fields.
I remember the Dan Dan noodles because they were some of the spiciest things I had ever tasted, at that point.
I remember the first time I went to the United States and I was competing in the World Championships in Bodybuilding.
I remember the users' comments and there's always one who says thanks for the Valentine's Day doodle – it reminded me.
I remember the last thing my fourth grade teacher said to me, "Try to leave some books in the library for the other kids."
13-14 years later, I still feel that mortification wash over me when I remember the incident or drive past that house.
在我13 -14岁的时候当我记起这件事或者开车经过那个房子的时候仍然感到相当地屈辱。
13-14 years later, I still feel that mortification wash over me when I remember the incident or drive past that house.
在我13 -14岁的时候当我记起这件事或者开车经过那个房子的时候仍然感到相当地屈辱。