"Harry has never left our thoughts," said the former greengrocer, from Kidderminster, "I remember a policeman came to our door to give mum and dad the news."
When I left, he came out with me—said he wanted some air, and talked about stretching his legs.
As a child until I left home at 18, my father came into my bedroom every night, gave me a kiss, and said, "love you, son."
Actually, almost the last thing you said to me before you left was ‘Have mercy, Clare.’ You said it in your quoting voice, and I guess now that I think of it you must have been quoting me.
Then Elijah said to them, 'I am the only one of the Lord 's prophets left, but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets.
"She's always been extremely abusive of me and my siblings," she said, as I recall. "Once, on my birthday, she left me a message wishing that I get a disease."
"They say, 'please give me a discount and I can sell it anyway,'" Mr. Wang said, folding the fingers of his left hand in the shape of a gun and pretending to shoot such buyers.
"I made looking for a job my job," he said. Even so, he found he had plenty of time left over to spend with friends and family.
And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham, who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth: I being in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren.
Then a junior boy whose name I didn't know said he'd left his math notebook in the library and if you saw it, please give it to him.
"Sure, but right now I want to meet that morena." I said, pointing out the exotic young girl just as she left the pharmacy and began walking away.
She said: "I woke up one morning after a big session and realized I could not see out of my left eye.
I should've just said that there are way too many distros and left it at that.
"Every time I go to a party or an event with classmates, I feel like I have nothing to say and am always the one being left out," said Chen.
Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah. 'Let me kiss my father and mother good-by,' he said, 'and then I will come with you.'
"When I was a small boy, I'd go out with him and help out," Junichi said. "Now we're left trying to make sense of how the same sea that provided for our family could hurt us like this."
The second she saw the powder blue envelope with that little flower on the left, she took a deep breath and said, "Young man, this letter was the last contact I ever had with Michael."
After he left there, he came upon Jehonadab son of Recab, who was on his way to meet him. Jehu greeted him and said, 'Are you in accord with me, as I am with you?'
God looked to Al and said, "I like the way you think, come and sit at my left hand". God then asked Bill Clinton what he revered most.
David Beckham, who left United for Real Madrid in acrimonious circumstances, said: "I am a Manchester United fan myself, and the supporters should be happy."
With little hesitation, I said yes, thinking to myself I'd come to dinner wanting to talk logistics and production rates, and left with a trip to Liberia on the agenda.
"I went home and found that three of my brothers and my nephew had left with my tractor," he said. "I called my brother to ask him where they had gone."
I put a thousand francs into the hand and gave the remaining hundred to my guide: he said good night and left me.
"Author" Sheridan Simove said: "This book is the result of 39 years of painstaking research and practical study into the subject." I left nothing to chance and really threw myself into my work.
Before I left, I asked if she would go to dinner with me, and when she said yes, she actually went up on her tiptoes, like a kid.
I left my friends chose it where they said 'you got to put this on it' and some of it was my choice.
I left my friends chose it where they said 'you got to put this on it' and some of it was my choice.