You can understand that initial hesitation when she asks, "Shall I go on? / Or have I said enough?"
"Really, Rat," said the Mole, quite pettishly, "I think we'd had enough of this folly."
You have heard, I suppose, all she said; for she spoke loud enough, and you were listening.
The little boy said, "I am old enough to take good care of myself."
She was just about to tell her mother the good news when her mother said, "I have enough money left over this week for a treat."
They said I was too young, that I didn't have enough money.
"As long as I get close enough, no criminal can escape from me," he said.
By chatting with them I learned that I was not ill, and I built up enough courage to accept it," he said.
And it was just as Mama said, I earned enough to give back to the tithe box and then I earned some more.
My mother said I could not have that dress when in our house we don't have enough food to eat.
I agree with those who have said that in my first statement after I testified, I was not contrite enough.
"I also appreciate that many of you don't believe progress has come fast enough," he said.
"Seeing my elderly parents through this new perspective, I realized I never showed them enough respect in daily life," Liu said.
As I said last month, writing just enough code to make a test pass keeps code simpler and keeps me focused on the task at hand.
And then, I said, suppose it was possible that one hemisphere of your brain is enough.
Even auto loans aren't necessarily bad debt, although as I said above, it's possible to save up enough money to buy a decent used car on cash so you can avoid getting into that debt.
They asked me how old I was. I said 31 and he said I was still old enough to know better.
So my problem now, the challenge that I have, is that I do not have enough money, Ntsanwisi said.
So my problem now, the challenge that I have, is that I do not have enough money, "Ntsanwisi said."
After ten years of working for a prestigious Wall Street bank and slamming into a glass ceiling, I vehemently said "Enough!"
I said, "the trick to these things is getting them heavy enough to remain sturdy, but balanced so they don't tip over while I'm working."
P1 I said let's do this slowly enough that this p1 is in equilibrium with this p1, but not so slowly that this pressure is equivalent to that pressure.
Then, January tenth, I’d had enough, and I prayed, I said, ‘Lord, I am way too small, please take me up into You, I don’t want to do this anymore.’
然后,到1月10号那天,我实在受够了。 我祈祷说:'主啊,我太渺小了,请把我接到你的怀抱里,我不想再这样下去了。'
"Now I have suffered enough for the red shoes!" said she. "Now I will go into the church that people may see me!"
"My brothers may get their living easily enough, " he said, "but as for me, I may soon die of hunger and want."
"Now, I have suffered enough for the red shoes," she said; "I will go to church, so that people can see me."
You have said quite enough, madam. I perfectly comprehend your feelings, and have now only to be ashamed of what my own have been.
After I realized he was lucid, I said, Hugh, the speech wasn't good enough to give anyone a heart attack!
After I realized he was lucid, I said, Hugh, the speech wasn't good enough to give anyone a heart attack!