Age 50, I said I love you, you were weaving sweater without holding up your head, "Really?"
For what it's worth I like you and what is worse I really do things have been worse and we had fun fun fun 'til I said I love you and what is worse I really do!
"Let your repentance salt my shoe leather," I said presently, " and then, as I lately sheathed my blade of anger, so sheath you my blade of love."
When I went back home with the task, I took courage, stepped forward and said, "Dad, I just want to tell you that I love you."
But later you said you did not love him anymore and although without turning me down, you got close with another boy. When the milk tea I gave you ended up in his hand, I was crying without tears.
Just last week a friend from the speakers club I go to came up to me and said, "I love your website, but how do you do it?"
When I met Benigni, he said, I love you! and jumped into my arms.
我见到贝尼尼时,他说完“我太喜欢你了!” 就一下和我拥抱在一起。
"I love doing action and I think that when you like what you do, it's contagious and hopefully people will like it too," she said.
"I have something to tell you," I said, the back of my throat tightening with tears. "I'm in love with someone... and he's married," I choked out.
My husband's eyes widened in surprise as I handed him the flowers. "I love you," I said.
"If I did not sell love potions," said the old man, reaching for another bottle, "I should not have mentioned the other matter to you."
And I said, "Oh, my goodness, after I've sent you to college to love soap operas." That wasn't what I had in mind.
When I finally arrived home, my wife gave me the longest kiss ever. "I really think you love me," she said. "At least 70 people called and told me so."
Finally, when I couldn't keep my mouth shut any longer I said, "Marissa, I've got to be honest with you." I absolutely love you hair.
She said, "My dear child, I'm so sorry I hurt you and that it was so hard on you to not be able to tell me of your love before I died, but I knew.
I told her I would be in 6 weeks. She smiled and said, "Can you please tell my daddy that I love him."
He said the only proper answer on which you can build a life of love is to say "I love you just because I love you."
I have you 4 vivaciously before me, and I carry you on my knees and said, "Madame, I love you."
Let your repentance salt my shoe leather," I said presently, " and then, as I lately sheathed my blade of anger, so sheath you my blade of love."
Some of these couples told Huston, "'I wasn't sure I was in love because I didn't have the tingly feelings you are supposed to have, '" he said.
他们中的一些人告诉Huston,"我并不能肯定我恋爱了,因为当时我并没有那种恋爱中似乎应该拥有的触电的感觉,' "他说。"
I said, "I'll love you tomorrow, but I want to go on record as saying this is trouble."
我说:“我爱你,不过这个明天再说吧。 我得声明,这是个大麻烦。”
This guy called and said, 'I love your point of view; I like the way you write, and when you're in New York, give me a call I'll take you to lunch.'
I didn’t waste any time – I took one step in the door and said, ‘Dad, I just came over to tell you that I love you.’
'You're quite right, ' I said, letting my head fall on to Marguerite's knees, 'but I do love you, to distraction.'
DO love you, I said, more than ever: but I must not show or indulge the feeling: and this is the last time I must express it.
DO love you, I said, more than ever: but I must not show or indulge the feeling: and this is the last time I must express it.