Can't I say I love you? You're not supposed to do something for me.
Why each time I say I love you always give me a blow, don't believe me or you didn't love me!
I tried to say 'I love you,' but the words wouldn't come out.
But once I saw His unconditional love for me, a love unaffected by who I was and all I had done, my heart was able to say, "Father, I love you."
I won't bore you with descriptions of my love other than to say that, when I moved back from England, I packed 9 pounds of clothes and 45 pounds of books in one of my checked bags.
If you want to go then say \ \ \ "Yes, I would love to attend and I look forward to it \ \ \" or something along those lines.
When we say to our parents, children, lovers, or friends: "I love you very much" or "I care for you" or "I think of you often" or "you are my greatest gift," we choose to give life.
Now I do know people who are happy living this way—for them, I say congratulations on living a life you love.
If I can't tell that a love is real, If a love might not love me, can I lie and say you do?
Out of love for them, should one say, "Well, Ok. You know, you want to go roller skating on the edge of a precipice, what am I to say is I hope you survive." Right?
Oh I get it, he didn't kiss it better...and say I love you little pumpkin head.
When a son can say to his father, "Dad, I love you," and when a mother can say to her daughter, "Child, I love you," a whole new blessed place can be opened up, a space where it is good to dwell.
I love comedy and I love people, but you have to say things that are the truth, and sometimes the truth hurts.
He said the only proper answer on which you can build a life of love is to say "I love you just because I love you."
You say to her, don't you see how much I love you, please walk for me, please, I am begging you, please get up and walk, I love you.
Because so often, especially with guys, you'll say, 'Hey, wehad Valentine's Day. I got you roses, I got you chocolate, it says I love you.What more do we need?'
I just realized I went off topic a little on my blog post.. Maybe you think I did or you don't care, but the reason I go off topic is because I just love to say what I feel like saying.
On the other hand, if I say to her, “I love you, you are a wonderful individual with kind spirit and a loving heart, and I can’t get enough of you.”
YOU suddenly and out of nowhere are inspired to say I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!
If God can give me one to come to the primary chance again, I may say three characters to that girl: I love you!
'I wish I could court you with beautiful words,' the farmer went on, 'but I can only say I love you madly and want you for my wife.
'I wish I could court you with beautiful words,' the farmer went on, 'but I can only say I love you madly and want you for my wife.