“I could see in their eyes how excited they were, how my software fitted with their ideas about making organised information generally available, ” he recalls.
This technique helps me to look at my life through the eyes of a different person and it helps me to see what habits or what attitude I should develop in order to cope with this situation.
I could close my eyes and almost see him, humped up and waddling along, fishing under the Banks with his delicate little PAWS for crawfish, frogs, and minnows.
From infancy I had seen only with my eyes, I now began to see with the whole of my consciousness.
It means I can see with my own two eyes you're not paying your way here.
If I closed my eyes, I could definitely see pink elephants, though. Dancing ones, with psychedelic trombones...
I raise my head and see a red illuminated EXIT sign and as my eyes adjust I see tigers, cavemen with long spears, cavewomen wearing strategicallymodest skins, wolfish dogs.
Actually, I can't see you because I would rather poke my eyes out with a burning stick than open them right now. But, hey, whatever.
Were I to go to the moon one day, I would see it with my own eyes.
JK: I see the world with my small eyes. I want to see only you with my eyes.
That I was meant to share it with you my heart my mind my soul, Then I open my eyes and all I see reality shows I'm alone.
Needless to say, I was horrified. I froze in terror, with my eyes fixed on the window. Fortunately I didn't see it again.
In fact, I could see with my own eyes that our fines went into private pockets.
I was stunned with tears in eyes, and turned my head not to let her see my teardrops.
And on that day I learnt that although the light in my eyes is gone, I must see the world with the light in my heart.
Later, as I grew worse, I could see the bags in the daytime with my eyes open and I was gripped by the fear that they were going to fall and drench me with some horrible liquid.
None of my photos is the so-called "real" ones you see with your EYEs, they are how I see them with my HEART.
Yes, I do want a notary, " motioned the old man, shutting his eyes with a look of defiance, which seemed to say, "and I should like to see the person who dares to refuse my request.
My eyes are hurting because I cant see you. My arms are empty because I cant hold you. My lips are cold because I cant kiss you. My heart is breaking because Im not with you.
Now that I look into my eyes, I see that they are filled with a confidence of a brighter future.
Now that I look into my eyes, I see that they are filled with a confidence of a brighter future.