'It's Miss Florence come home from her aunt's, no doubt, ' thought Richards, who had never seen the child before. 'Hope I see you well, Miss. '
"I see you know how to swim very well," she said, watching him do the backstroke.
One day, a horse said to him, "You're a much better animal doctor than the vet. You knew I couldn't see well, and you made glasses for me."
M: Well. You know I hate walking, but I can't wait to see your guys' video.
If I had ever done your father an injury, he might well hate me; but I cannot see why he should despise me and, as you say, hate me without any reason.
He said, "Well, this is how I see it." When I read to you page after page from the book (our textbook), I get bored.
But if you step back and reflect on it, "Well, let's see, I was eating a sandwich and suddenly the sandwich was the Statue of Liberty, except the Statue of Liberty was my mother."
Typically, managers hold applications in their hands and say, "Well, I see you worked for the XYZ Company." Look that application over before you sit down with the applicant.
Actually, let me show you more examples, oops not the one I want. So, I don't know if you can see it so well well, hopefully you can.
Then Don told us in a 24)chipper tone, “Well, I guess I’ll see you in Heaven.”
I don't know if you had a chance to see it, but Darcy left a really good question in the comments under 5 Reasons you Might as Well Be Authentic.
RB: I see you also provide a video tutorial series for Rails 3 as well. Is this companion content for the book or completely separate material than the book?
Well I have to go now, Candy’s old boss is here and they seem to be having some sort of argument so I better attend to that. Can’t wait to see you when I get back!
As you can see, some of the information might be off. But I ran plenty of searches on this, and everything seems to work out pretty well.
Well, he scored two goals. I think you have to analyse the game a little bit to see how important he is.
Thing I've got a little procedure that could do that, but you know the simplest thing I could do is to say well, gee, wait a minute, why don't I just check to see if these are the same thing?
You can see as well as I, ' said Retty, the auburn-haired and youngest girl, without removing her eyes from the window.
The only answer I can see, Jonathan, is that you are pretty well a one-in-a-million bird.
Now, while I am not keen on meting out punishment, as you are well aware, in this case I shall see to it that justice be done.
I don't know. Um... I came here to... well, I don't know, I just wanted to see you again.
Well, I better go. It' s getting late. I' ll see you soon in my dreams, okay?
Philip: I don't see any breaks or fractures. Well, well. Thank you, Molly.
However, , I think you would like to see some interesting places that well represent the city.
可是,我想你可能想看一些很能代表这个城市的有趣的地方。 罾。
Second thing is, if you have an MIT documented special need for taking quizzes, please see John or I well in advance.
If you look to the left of the prompt dialog box, you can see the bookmarklet in the toolbar, as well as a toolbar entry I have for filing my other often-used bookmarklets.
Clerk: Well. Let me see if I can help you. Did you push the correct buttons for your secret number?
Clerk: Well. Let me see if I can help you. Did you push the correct buttons for your secret number?